Suicide Rates facts
While investigating facts about Suicide Rates By Country and Suicide Rates In The Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Some areas in Scotland and Japan switched to blue street lights at night and saw a decrease in crime and suicide rates.
how much have suicide rates increased?
There are only 5 countries were suicide rate for women is higher than men and they are China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and Indonesia
What profession has the highest suicide rates?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what countries have the highest suicide rates. Here are 50 of the best facts about Suicide Rates Covid and Suicide Rates Uk I managed to collect.
what country has the highest suicide rates?
The holiday suicide myth supports misinformation about suicide that might ultimately hamper prevention efforts. The idea that suicide rates increase during the holiday season is a myth perpetuated by the media. In fact, suicide rates are the lowest in December.
Veterinary doctors have a high suicide rate and experience psychological distress at a rate nearly double that of the general public
A Harvard study followed men for 75 years, including a subject named Godfrey Minot Camille. He began the study with the lowest rating for future stability of all the subjects and he had previously attempted suicide. But at the end of his life, he was one of the happiest of all.
The Suicide Rates per Capita in the infamous Foxconn factories that produce Iphones are lower than all 50 US states
Since the introduction of the smart phone depression rates among teens has increased more than 60% and suicide rates have increased 56%.
Twenty years ago Australian aboriginal suicide rates were equivalent to the national rate but now they are three fold, and in some regions spates of suicide have reached 100 times the national average.
In the month after 13 Reasons why's release suicide rates increased 28.9% for 10-17 year olds.
Suicide is the number one cause of death for South Koreans aged 9-24. South Korea has the highest suicide rate in the developed world
Suicide rates are alarmingly high among gender nonconforming individuals. 50.8% of female to male persons have attempted suicide, 41.8% among those identifying as non binary, and 29.9% among male to female.
Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world. 20% of Greenlanders attempt suicide. (from july 2014)
Suicide Rates data charts
For your convenience take a look at Suicide Rates figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

13 reasons why suicide rates increase?
You can easily fact check 13 reasons why suicide rates gone up by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the years 1964-2000 the suicide rate of MIT undergraduates was almost twice the national average. 74% of students said they had an emotional problem that interfered with their daily lives.
In 2011 Japan had 442 total homicides. In 2014, on average, there were 490 suicides per week. It is one of the most disproportionate homicide to suicide rates in the world. - source
Between 1999 and 2014, the suicide rate in the United States increased by 24% - source
South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, and the suicide peak is reached everytime a celebrity commits suicide.
Suicide rates and the amount media reports on suicide have a positive association; however, if media reports on positive coping with suicidal thoughts, it has protective effects - source
When are suicide rates highest?
The idea that suicide is more common during the winter months is actually a myth, rates peak during the spring and summer. Considering depression rates are highest during winter, it's theorized that the relative cheerfulness of spring/summer finally gives people the motivation to commit suicide.
How to reduce suicide rates?
When there is a rise in country music played on the radio within metropolitan areas, suicide rates rise as well.
Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world, with one in every four people attempting suicide at least once in their lives.
Veteran suicide rates are 22% higher than civilians
There's a parasite found in cat feces called T. gondii which can cause permanent personality changes in humans and is associated with higher rates of schizophrenia, suicide & other neurological conditions.
Suicide rates infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Suicide Rates numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Country with highest rate of suicide per 100 000 people