Homicide Rates facts
While investigating facts about Homicide Rates By Country and Homicide Rates By City, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the 1990s murder coverage increased more than 500 percent in the U.S. — even as homicide rates dropped more than 40 percent
how to reduce homicide rates?
Target has a top rated forensic lab in Las Vegas and Minneapolis used to solve retail crimes committed at Target stores. They also tackle felony, homicide and special circumstances cases for law bureaus that need the extra manpower, facilities, resources and time free of charge.
What countries have the highest homicide rates?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cities have the highest homicide rates. Here are 50 of the best facts about Homicide Rates In The Us and Homicide Rates By State I managed to collect.
what is true concerning homicide rates in the world?
The national gun homicide rate is down 49% since 1993, and 56% of Americans believe the number of crimes involving a gun is higher than it was 20 years ago.
Homicide rates & battle deaths are way down since prehistoric times – and we now live in "The most peaceful time in our species' existence"
In 2011 Japan had 442 total homicides. In 2014, on average, there were 490 suicides per week. It is one of the most disproportionate homicide to suicide rates in the world.
While the US has the most civilian guns per capita by far, it's only 28th in gun homicide rate, at just 3 per 100,000 people.
The percentage of homicides that go unsolved in the United States has risen alarmingly even as the homicide rate has fallen to levels last seen in the 1960s.
The homicide rate in the Middle Ages was 35 times greater than it is today
helping disadvantaged children does more to reduce homicide rates than being tough on crime.
In a CDC study involving 26 countries, the suicide rate among children in the United States is two times higher than the other 25 countries combined, and the homicide rate is five times higher.
2013 is the first year in a half-century of record keeping that the NYC homicide rate dipped below 1 per day.
Venezuela has the highest homicide rate in the world, topping honduras this year with 119.87 murders per 100.000 inhabitants
Homicide Rates data charts
For your convenience take a look at Homicide Rates figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are homicide rates higher in the south?
You can easily fact check why did homicide rates increased during prohibition by examining the linked well-known sources.
Greenland is the country with the highest INTENTIONAL DEATH rate, i.e. the numbers of homicide and suicide combined. Whilst there is a relatively middling amount of homicides (19.2/100,000), the number of suicides are extremely high (108.1/100,000).
The homicide rate in the Middle Ages was 35 times greater than it is today - source
Nunavut, a northern Canadian territory, still has the highest murder rate in the entire country at 4 homicides - source
The US Virgin Islands has one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world. The territory has a staggering homicide rate around 35.5 per 100,000, whereas the United States as a whole has a rate around 4.7 per 100,000 people. - source
When they see us homicide detective?
The US is ranked 111th globally for intentional homicide rates.
How to decrease homicide rates?
Suicide Rate is 3 times higher than Homicide Rate in the US
Cuba has more Life Expectancy and less Homicide Rate than the USA...
There are over 20 African countries that have a lower homicide rate than U.S.A. does
Treating violence as a public health problem that needs to be cured can dramatically reduce homicide rates compared with traditional approaches which only punish those affected
The city of Richmond, California has reduced its homicide rate drastically and turned many of its violent criminals into law-abiding citizens by paying them and providing others means of support.
Homicide rates infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Homicide Rates numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Change of homicide rate per Brazilian state between 2005 and 2015