Survival Rate facts
While investigating facts about Survival Rate Of Lung Cancer and Survival Rate Of Pancreatic Cancer, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate to more than 80%.
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Robin Williams dressed up as a Russian proctologist to humour Christopher Reeve right before his surgery with a 50% survival rate. Reeve stated: "For the first time since the accident, I laughed. My old friend had helped me know that somehow I was going to be okay."
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the survival rate for non hodgkin lymphoma. Here are 50 of the best facts about Survival Rate Of Breast Cancer and Survival Rate Of Colon Cancer I managed to collect.
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Doctor Min Chiu Li was fired from the NIH in the 1950s because he gave chemotherapy to patients even after their tumors appeared to be gone. After firing him, the NIH discovered the long-term survival rates for his patients were far superior to conventional treatments.
Hummingbirds build nests near and below hawk nests because their predators are scared of the hawks and tend to avoid hawk nests. Survival rates are higher for eggs laid in a cone-shaped area near/below hawk nests
In the last 40 years, the overall survival rate for children’s cancer has increased from 10% to nearly 90% today.
Hummingbirds are constantly hours away from starving to death, only being able to store enough energy to survive overnight. Having the highest metabolic rate of animal kingdom, their heart can reach 1260 BPM and they'll breath 250 times a minute at rest.
A Naked Mole Rat can survive up-to 18 minutes without oxygen by dropping its heart rate and switching to fructose based anaerobic respiration. It's also the only known cold-blooded mammal.
In 1723 the death rate in London outstripped the birth rate and it remained higher for the next decade. Gin was to blame. Women addicted to Gin neglected their infants or quietened them with Gin.The term 'Mothers Ruin' survives to this day
Naked mole rats defy the biological law of aging - They rarely get cancer, are resistant to some types of pain, and can survive up to 18 minutes without oxygen. But perhaps their greatest feat, a new paper suggests, is that they don't age. Naked mole-rat mortality rates do not increase with age.
In order to survive through the night without starving, hummingbirds must enter a hypo-metabolic state called torpor, in which their heart rates drop from roughly 1,000 bpm to 70, and their temperatures from 40ºC to 18ºC.
Surviving an airplane crash is extremely common. A study detailing all airplane crashes between 1983 and 2000 showed 95.7% of all people involved survived. Even in the most devastating cases, the survival rate was 76.6%.
Orangutans have the longest interbirth interval of any land mammal (reproducing singletons once every 7.6 years). Their female offspring survival rate is so high that modern human populations reached the same level of survival only in the 20th century.
Survival Rate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Survival Rate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why 5 year survival rate?
You can easily fact check why cancer survival rates 5 year by examining the linked well-known sources.
The survival rate on the Titanic was 61% for the first-class passengers - but only 23% for the third-class passengers.
Survival rates for cardiac arrests in the US are a low 8% with many survivors having disabilities. Though some US TV shows have incorrectly portrayed them at 67% - source
Students from TU Delft developed an Ambulance Drone equipped with medical supplies, camera and a speaker. The operator will then instruct the user through the speaker to use the equipment and save the person's life, this supposedly would increase survival rates from 8% to 80%. - source
When turkeys were reintroduced to New England, they chose to live in cities instead of the forests turkeys as living in tandem with humans dramatically improved their survival rate
In seniors life expectancy can be predicted from their regular walking speed. The faster the speed the higher the survival rate. - source
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1 in 67 Americans will get pancreatic cancer during their lifetime, and the average 5 year survival rate of pancreatic cancer is 5%
How to calculate 5 year survival rate?
Scorpions can reduce their metabolic rate to as little as 1/3 of that of other arthropods. This allows them to minimise oxygen requirements, and some species can survive by eating a single insect per year.
The crime rate in 1970s New York City was so high that a 'Council for Public Safety' (mostly made up of NYPD and FDNY members) distributed a scaremongering pamphlet titled "Welcome to Fear City: A Survival Guide for Visitors to the City of New York."
The survival rate of the 216,000 Jewish youngsters deported to the Nazi Extermination Camp of Auschwitz was almost zero. A survival rate of 0.2% meant that For every 500 deported, 499 died and 1 survived.
A British study found that mixed-gender combat units have "lower survivability" and a "reduced lethality rate."
Some Civil War soldiers had wounds that glowed in the dark because of a bioluminescent bacteria that was puked up by nematodes. This bacteria actually killed off other pathogens and made the survival rate of those soldiers higher.
Survival rate infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Survival Rate numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Five-year Cancer Survival Rates in the US