Infant Mortality facts
While investigating facts about Infant Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate By Country, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Rationing in the United Kingdom during WWII actually increased life expectancy in the country, and decreased infant mortality. This was because all people were required to consume a varied diet.
how infant mortality contribute to underdevelopment in africa?
In 1977, a boycott was launched against Nestlé when it was found that they were giving free samples of baby formula to new mothers in Africa and then charging for it as soon as they were unable to switch back to breastfeeding. This caused high infant mortality and development problems.
What's infant mortality?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is meant by infant mortality rate. Here are 31 of the best facts about Infant Mortality Rate Definition and Infant Mortality Rate In India I managed to collect.
what's infant mortality rate?
Man by the name of John Leal put chlorine into a city's water supply unbeknownst to anyone else which eventually landed him in court. His work would go on to cut the infant mortality rate in half and dropped the rate of death for typhoid nearly to zero.
A Colombian program called kangaroo care, where prematurely born babies are kept in constant skin-to-skin contact with parents, has shown success over hospital incubators in reducing infant mortality.
The intense rationing in England during WWII actually reduced infant mortality by guaranteeing nutrition to everyone.
By the 1600s, the Spanish royal family had a higher infant-mortality rate than their peasants.
The Old Order Amish are among the fastest-growing populations in the world. They prohibit the use of contraception and have low infant mortality rates.
Henri Nestle invented his breast milk substitute to help Europe's high infant mortality rates. Today, Nestle abuse their market power to get African mothers hooked on their products.
Cuba's infant mortality rate still among lowest in world. In 2015 Cuba’s infant mortality rate was 4.3 per 1,000 live births--with 535 child deaths out of 125,064 births recorded in the year.
Finland reduced its infant mortality rate when the government gave out baby boxes to new parents after WW2, now it's a thing
His work sought to address the high infant mortality rate that still affected society in that day.
The US has a worse infant mortality rate than not only the European Union as a whole but almost every country within the European Union.
Infant Mortality data charts
For your convenience take a look at Infant Mortality figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why infant mortality rate is important?
You can easily fact check why infant mortality rate is decreasing by examining the linked well-known sources.
The World Health Organization made the recommendation that any country that experiences more than 10% mortality in children younger than 5 from Rotavirus should vaccinate all infants.
The US has a higher infant mortality rate than 27 other countries - source
Dr John Leal who helped push chlorination of drinking water in the early 20th century, reducing the urban morality rate by 50% and infant mortality by 75%. - source
The dysgenic effect, in which a reduction of natural selection pressures and infant mortality in modern times have led to an increased propagation of undesirable human traits(eg. low intelligence) and genetic disorders.
This approach to preventive medicine, especially in a field dominated with superstition, tradition, and poor advice, quite possibly made one of the biggest impacts on lowering the infant mortality rate.
When infant mortality rate?
Cuba has a lower Infant Mortality Rate than the United States
How infant mortality rate is calculated?
Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate than the United States.
The increases in cancer, infant mortality and perturbations in birth sex ratio in Fallujah are significantly greater than those recorded for survivors of the atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a study released by the Switzerland-based IJERPH.
High infant mortality once meant child deaths were blamed on teething: until the 20th Century a popular "cure" had doctors slicing open babies' gums to help the teeth come out. [PDF, 4Mb]
In an interview Carl Sagan was asked if he is a socialist. He replied with, "...I believe the government has a responsibility to care for people... an extremely rich country like US is 19th in infant mortality... I think it's a disgrace... we are spending money on the wrong stuff"
Infant mortality infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Infant Mortality numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

GDP per Capita ($USD) vs infant mortality rate (per 1000 births) categorised by region.