Alcohol Consumption facts
While investigating facts about Alcohol Consumption By Country and Alcohol Consumption Per Capita, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In an attempt to enforce Prohibition, the Prohibition Bureau began adding poison to industrial alcohol to prevent its consumption, killing between 10,000 and 50,000 people. This was supported by people like Wayne Wheeler, who argued that the victims had committed suicide by breaking the law
how alcohol consumption is healthy?
Alcohol consumption in Manhattan in the week after 9/11 increased by 25 per cent compared to the same period the year before. Tobacco consumption rose by 10 per cent, marijuana consumption by 3.2 per cent and church and synagogue attendance by 20 per cent.
What is moderate alcohol consumption?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is excessive alcohol consumption. Here are 50 of the best facts about Alcohol Consumption By Country 2018 and Alcohol Consumption By Country 2019 I managed to collect.
what alcohol consumption is safe?
During prohibition, the US government ordered poison be added to industrial alcohol to discourage consumption. People continued to drink it, so the government mandated more potent poison and it killed as many as 10,000 people.
The D.A.R.E program has done little to nothing to prevent drug use and in some cases leads to an increase in consumption of alcohol and use of cigarettes.
On Saint Patrick's Day began as a "feast day" in honor of the anniversary of the day he died. To honor him, Christians could put aside their Lenten restrictions on food and alcohol consumption on this day, which is why excessive drinking has become so permanently linked to the celebration.
Vladimir the Great chose to convert to Christianity instead of Islam, mainly because Islam doesn't allow alcoholic consumption. He remarked "Drinking is the joy of all Rus'. We cannot exist without that pleasure."
If people in the top 10% for alcohol consumption were to reduce their total consumption to that of the next lowest 10% group, alcohol sales would drop by 60% in the United States.
If people in the top 10% for alcohol consumption were to reduce their total consumption to that of the next lowest 10% group; alcohol sales would drop by 60% in the United States.
While shooting The Princess Bride, Andre the Giant racked up US$40,000 at the bar Hyatt in London, where he was staying. According to some estimates his average daily consumption of alcohol was a case of beer, three bottles of wine, and a couple of bottles of brandy.
Alcohol consumption in medieval Britain was high compared with today, with men women and children averaging a gallon of ale a day starting at breakfast
Alcohol consumption tends to follow a log normal curve. In America, the top 10% of drinkers consume ~5x more alcohol than the next highest drinkers.
Ottoman Sultan Murad IV banned coffee, tobacco & alcohol, making consumption a capital offence. He would patrol the streets himself, personally killing offenders. Murad was a habitual drinker himself & died of cirrhosis.
Alcohol Consumption data charts
For your convenience take a look at Alcohol Consumption figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why alcohol consumption is high?
You can easily fact check why are government regulations on alcohol sales and consumption by examining the linked well-known sources.
The staggering level of American alcohol consumption in the 1800s. It peaked in 1830, at the equivalent of 1.7 bottles of standard-strength whiskey, per person, per week.
Consumption of Alcohol Helps People Decontaminate themselves from Radiation. - source
Sweden has a government monopoly on retail liquor sales to promote safe alcohol consumption - source
In 1926, the US Federal government poisoned alcohol in a effort to end alcohol consumption during Prohibition. By the end of Prohibition, 10,000 Americans died due to alcohol poisoning.
In 1830, the annual per capita consumption of alcohol by Americans had climbed to more than five gallons. At the time Americans believed liquor was nutritious and stimulated digestion. It was also consumed to help wash down poorly cooked, greasy, salty, and sometimes rancid food. - source
Alcohol consumption when breastfeeding?
Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable cancers. Also topping the carts is poor diet, lack of exercise, and alcohol consumption.
How to reduce alcohol consumption?
People who drink four or more cups of coffee each day are 80% less likely to suffer from fatty liver disease or cirrhosis brought on by alcohol consumption.
The legal minimum drinking age of alcohol in the UK is 5 for supervised consumption in private places
Sumo wrestling dates back 1500 years but it's only since the 20th century that participants have sought to increase their size. Wrestlers are not allowed to drive. Due to their diet and alcohol consumption, life expectancy is ten years shorter than an average Japanese male.
Captain Cook used fresh shoots of spruce for the manufacture of alcoholic drink rich in vitamin C. Consumption of this beverage was obligatory among the crew during the long voyages to prevent scurvy, disorder induced by vitamin C deficiency.
Among the things the Guiness World Records does not accept as records are alcohol consumption feats, anything to do with freckles, or blinking accomplishments
Alcohol consumption infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Alcohol Consumption numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Alcohol consumption broken up by State