Violent Crime facts
While investigating facts about Violent Crimes Lyrics and Violent Crime Statistics, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Removing lead from gasoline is thought to be one of the big factors that lead to the drop in the violent crime rate in America in the 1990s
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The Lead-Crime hypothesis which states there is a proposed link between childhood exposure to lead and increases in violent crime later in life. The hypothesis argues that the removal of lead additives from motor fuel and the decline in lead exposure explains the reduction in crime after 1990
What is the difference between a violent crime and a hate crime?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are non violent crimes. Here are 50 of the best facts about Violent Crimes and Violent Crimes Kanye I managed to collect.
what's violent crime?
A network of men and women working in the legal system have created something called "The Innocence Project" which to date has exonerated 364 innocent people serving sentences for violent crimes with punishments ranging from death to life without parole.
Due to enduring 'another violent summer' in 2016, the owner of D&C Pizza in Indianapolis is trying to reduce crime by giving a free extra-large-pizza to anyone who turns in a gun - no question asked.
There were no reports of violent crime in all of New York City on November 26, 2012. This is the first time this was known to have happened.
The phaseout of leaded gasoline (along with the large scale removal of many other leaded products) has been correlated with a 34% drop in violent crime in the United States.
When Lead was removed from gasoline in the US, it was linked to a 56% decline in violent crime. Lead is a neurotoxin that can affect antisocial behavior.
No violent crimes were reported in New York City on November 28, 2012, possibly for the first time ever. Not a single person was murdered, shot, slashed, or stabbed until 11:20 am the next day. Officials couldn’t remember it ever happening before.
November 28, 2012 was the most peaceful day NYC ever had - without a single reported murder, shooting, stabbing or other incident of violent crime.
Violent crime in the US and Europe was at its highest in areas with the most lead pollution. Violent crime peaked 20 years after lead additives in petrol and paint were banned, before declining thereafter.
The ban of leaded gasoline is believed to have been a major cause for falling violent crime rates in the United States
When lead was removed from gasoline, there was a dramatic decrease in the violent crime rate in the Western World.
Violent Crime data charts
For your convenience take a look at Violent Crime figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did violent crime decrease in the 1990s?
You can easily fact check why have violent crime rates decreased by examining the linked well-known sources.
According to one study, contrary to popular belief, violent video games actually reduce real life violent crime. Researchers think these games may help preoccupy the few gamers with already existing violent tendencies and give them an outlet, so they are less likely to commit real world crimes.
In the United States any violent crime committed with a gun equipped with a suppressor has a minimum prison sentence of 30 years. - source
Balisongs (butterfly knives) are not illegal because of more use in violent crime, but because they can cause prolific amounts of Emergency Room visits from user-based accidents. - source
According to the FBI's 2007 statistics, interracial violent crime is at least 8x more likely to be black on white than white on black. The study found over 430,000 instances of black on white robberies, murders, assaults, etc., compared to about 55,000 white on black violent crimes
About Buckfast--a wine brewed by some of the last Benedictine monks in Britain, sold as a tonic in UK pharmacies, and known infamously in Scotland as "Wreck the Hoose Juice" where it was associated with >40% of all violent crime there in 2015 - source
When the incarceration rate is adjusted for the violent crime rate?
There are Americans serving life sentences without parole for non violent crimes.
How many violent crimes in 2018?
The guy who wrote *The Anarchist Cookbook* became a teacher, denounced his book, and was unaware of how many perpetrators of violent crimes had a copy of his book in their possession.
90% of interracial violent crime is committed by blacks against whites.
The level of violent crime and homicides in Quebec is far lower than almost all other large cities in Canada or the USA. For twenty months, between November 1st 2006 and July 14th 2008, the city of Québec reported no homicide on its territory
Oskar Dirlewanger, commander of the "Dirlewanger" unit, the most infamous SS unit in the German military during WWII. A child molester, violent alcoholic, and sadist, the war crimes committed under Dirlewanger's command remain unparalleled in their monstrosity.
Switching from leaded to unleaded fuel in the 1970's has been linked to a 56% decrease in violent crime during the 1990's.
Violent crime infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Violent Crime numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Violent crime rate in the US in 2018, per 10,000 population, by state and top 10 cities