Vaccination Rates facts
While investigating facts about Vaccination Rates By Country and Vaccination Rates By State, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mississippi has the highest child vaccination rate of any state. (99.7%)
how to increase vaccination rates?
Seattle has a lower rate of child Polio vaccination than Rwanda.
What is the relationship between vaccination rates and disease rates?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what drives vaccination rates. Here are 16 of the best facts about Vaccination Rates By County and Vaccination Rates By State 2018 I managed to collect.
who is at risk when vaccination rates drop?
Mississippi has the highest rate of child vaccination of any state, at 99.7%.
During the American Revolutionary War, despite opposition from the Continental Congress, George Washington ordered the vaccination of 40,000 soldiers from smallpox, reducing the infection rate from 17% to 1%
That, although it ranks last in a lot of other categories, Mississippi ranks first in the U.S. in child vaccination rates.
Mississippi has the highest vaccination rate in America
Vaccines in the 1970s and onward have helped to reduce mortality and infection rates around the world.
Mexico's vaccine coverage rates are significantly better than USA's
In 2015 Mississippi had the highest vaccination rate in the US, at 99.7%.
Elvis helped increase Polio vaccination rates in the US from 0.6% to 80% within 6 months by agreeing to get vaccinated live on the Ed Sullivan show.
Ebola rates are so low in West Africa that drug companies can't find enough sick patients to test their new vaccines
Colorado has the lowest vaccination rate out of any state with 85.7%
Vaccination Rates data charts
For your convenience take a look at Vaccination Rates figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about vaccination rates?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Most southern states have higher vaccination rates and stricter laws involving vaccination
Rabies is extremely deadly - almost 100% mortality rate after the onset of symptoms. But it is also 100% preventable through vaccination. - source
In 2010 the HPV vaccine was provided for free or at little cost in Japan and the vaccination rate was 70%. In 2015 anti-vaccine advocates funded a commercial depicting a young woman having seizures supposedly after receiving the drug. Now HPV vaccination rates are at less than 1% in Japan. - source
Oregon has the highest vaccine exemption rate for students. Lane county has the highest exemption rate in Oregon at 72%