Divorce Rates facts
While investigating facts about Divorce Rates In America and Divorce Rates By Country, I found out little known, but curios details like:
50% of US marriages end in divorce" statistic is very misleading. In reality, divorce rates peaked in the early 1980s and have been steadily decreasing since then. If current trends continue, only one third of today's marriages will end in divorce.
how and why have divorce rates changed over time?
The "50% of US marriages end in divorce" statistic is misleading. In reality, divorce rates peaked in the early 1980s and have been steadily decreasing since then. If current trends continue, only a third of today's marriages will end in a divorce.
What are the divorce rates in america?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the divorce rates in the us. Here are 43 of the best facts about Divorce Rates Uk and Divorce Rates In Australia I managed to collect.
what are the divorce rates?
The divorce rate of couples whose wedding cost more than $20,000 is 1.6 times higher than those whose wedding cost between $5,000 and $10,000, and couples who spent $1,000 or less had a lower-than-average rate of divorce.
A mathematical equation that can accurately determine whether a married couple will divorce with a 90% success rate is almost completely identical to one that can accurately describe the relationship between countries and whether they will go to war at a very similar rate.
Divorce data from the US Census Bureau was analyzed to see how divorce rates varied by occupation. The lowest rate was found among actuaries, people who assess and manage risk, and the highest rate was found among gaming managers, who manage casinos and other gambling establishments.
The divorce rate of Navy Seals is 90%, twice as high as the next highest profession.
Lesbian divorce rates have been nearly double of those of gay men
There is a 99.26% correlation (r=0.992558) between divorce rates in Maine and the per capita consumption of margarine.
Oscar winner Ingrid Bergman's divorce from her husband in 1950 (to marry her lover Italian director Roberto Rossellini) was so scandalous a US Senator proposed a bill that would require films to be rated not just for on screen content, but the moral character of the actors involved as well.
A ‘School of Undressing’ was founded for women in 1937, in the belief that ‘poor technique’ was driving up divorce rates.
Russian marriages with mail-order brides have a divorce rate 8% lower than the United States average
Divorce Rates data charts
For your convenience take a look at Divorce Rates figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why divorce rates are increasing?
You can easily fact check why divorce rates are increasing in india by examining the linked well-known sources.
Agriculutral Engineeres and Optimetrists have lower divorce rates than members of the Clergy
The divorce rate of marriages are no longer at 50%. Divorces surged in the 70s and 80s skewing the stat. Current divorce rates are around 15%. - source
The 50% divorce rate is (and always has been) a myth! - source
The divorce rate in the US never hit 50%, and the widely quoted statistic was an estimate based on marriages and divorces in the same year.
55 percent of marriages worldwide are arranged and have a 6 percent divorce rate. - source
When did divorce rates increase?
Dr. John Gottman developed a method to predict divorce rates with 90% accuracy.
How to reduce divorce rates?
Divorce rates are way down, but nobody knows it - we all think the divorce rate is still 50%
That winning an election increases subsequent divorce rates for female candidates but not for men. Likewise, winning the best actress Oscar portends a divorce, while winning the best actor award does not.
Divorce rates decline and marriages increase after a man-made disaster, like 9/11. However with natural disasters, like Hurricane Katrina, divorce rates go up.
The divorce and marriage rate has gone down in the past 15 years
The 5 countries with the highest divorce rate are Luxembourg (87%), Spain (65%), France (55%), Russia (51%) and the United States (46%). The 5 countries with the lowest divorce rate are India (1%), Chile (3%), Columbia (9%), Mexico (15%), and Kenya (15%).