Obesity Rates facts
While investigating facts about Obesity Rates By Country and Obesity Rates By State, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Quebec banned ads for toys and fast food aimed at children under 13, resulting in lowered childhood obesity rates.
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Quebec banned ads for toys and fast food aimed at children under 13, resulting in lowered childhood obesity rates
What is happening in societies seeing rising rates of obesity?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country has the highest obesity rates. Here are 43 of the best facts about Obesity Rates In America and Obesity Rates In The World I managed to collect.
what countries have the highest obesity rates?
Quebec banned ads for toys and fast food aimed at children under 13, resulting in lowered childhood obesity rates.
In 1990, the most obese state in America (Mississippi, 15%) still had a lower rate than the least obese state in America today (Colorado, 21%)
There's a positive correlation between the obesity rate of a population and the number of Walmarts servicing that population
In Quebec after banning ads for toys and fast food targeted at children under 13, the result was lower childhood obesity rates.
Compared with whites, Blacks had 51% higher and Hispanics had 21% higher obesity rates in the US.
America's obesity rate has gone from 13 percent (1965) to 36 percent (2010)
Wealthier men have a higher rate of obesity than poor. Poor women have higher rate of obesity than wealthier women.
To combat obesity, Japan enforced an annual waist measurement check on people aged between 40 and 75, administered by employers and local government, with the goal of decreasing Japan's obesity rates by 25% by 2015. Failure to meet those goals resulted in a fine for the administrators.
Aborigines have high rates of disability due to kidney disease and diabetes. Aborigines smoke and suffer from obesity at higher rates than non-aborigines as well.
Obesity in China is a major health concern according to the WHO, with overall rates of obesity below 5% in the country, but greater than 20% in some cities.
Obesity Rates data charts
For your convenience take a look at Obesity Rates figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why obesity rates are high?
You can easily fact check why are obesity rates rising by examining the linked well-known sources.
American kids are not getting fatter. Obesity rates are holding steady and have been for 9 years.
Colorado has the lowest obesity rate in America. - source
There is a significantly lower overall mortality rate for permanent residents at higher altitudes. Additionally, there is a relationship between increasing elevation and decreasing obesity prevalence in the United States. - source
Being obese is twice as deadly for men as it is for women. Obese men have a 30% chance of dying before 70; the rate is only 15% for obese women.
Genes can only explain 9% of the obesity rate. - source
When did obesity rates begin to rise?
The US state with the *lowest* rate of adult obesity still tips the scales at 22.6%. In thirteen states, one third or more of adults are obese.
How do obesity rates vary across the lifespan?
Nauru, a small pacific island nation is the most obese country in the world, with an obesity rate of 71.7%.
About MK-677, an investigational new drug known as a GH secretagogue that can be taken orally and has been shown to significantly increase basal metabolic rate and fat free mass in obese human subjects with little to no side effects in several clinical trials.
Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Palestine, Qatar and Saudi Arabia each have higher adult obesity rates than the US.
Modern-day Okinawans are experiencing rising rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as many don’t follow the same diet as earlier generations
BMI massively understates obesity rates. In a 2010 study 25% of people were obese by BMI, but 56% by body fat percentage, the more accurate measure.