Fertility Rate facts
While investigating facts about Fertility Rate By Country and Fertility Rate Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
While projections show Islam and Christianity having population booms into 2050, atheism is expected to dwindle as time goes on. The main reason is atheists have extremely low fertility rates in comparison to Christians and Muslims.
how fertility rate is calculated?
In a 2009 paper, researchers found that the widespread introduction of television across India was associated with decreased acceptability of domestic violence against women, increases in women's autonomy and an overall decrease in the country's fertility rate.
What fertility rate is needed to sustain population?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what fertility rate keeps the population size stable. Here are 32 of the best facts about Fertility Rate In India and Fertility Rates By Age I managed to collect.
what's fertility rate?
Due to the country's ultra low fertility rate, South Koreans are projected to go extinct by the year 2750.
Because Japan's fertility rate is so low, back in 2008, Japanese workers were told to take off work early to go home and procreate
Due to Niger having the world's highest fertility rate, nearly 50% of the entire population is under the age of 14 years old
Due to South Korea's low fertility rate its population is predicted to start declining next year.
Japan's total fertility rate (although still below replacement level) has been increasing since 2005 and the UN believes the trend will continue.
During the recession, the US fertility rates fell below replacement, meaning the population has only grown due to immigration since 2010
Fertility rates (mean number of children per woman's lifetime) are falling worldwide. Almost no developed country has a fertility rate above the 2.1 needed to maintain the same population in the next generation. Current pop. growth is then often due to immigration & elders living longer instead.
The total fertility rate in the United States is below the replacement fertility rate of 2.1. However, U.S. population growth is among the highest in industrialized countries, because the differences in fertility rates are less than the differences in immigration levels
Black stilts can interbreed with Australasian pied stilts (also known as Poaka), when they cannot find mating partner of their own species. Produced hybrids are fertile, but they have lower survival rate compared to genetically pure black stilts. Interbreeding also reduces number of black stilts in the wild.
It is estimated that by 2050, the world's total fertility rate will fall below replacement levels
Fertility Rate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fertility Rate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why fertility rate is higher in india?
You can easily fact check why fertility rate is declining by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the United States, teen fertility rates have dropped over 60% since 1970.
In 2012 not a single EU country had a total fertility rate at or above the replenishment level of 2.1, the average was 1.58 - source
The U.S. fertility rate is below replacement level, is decreasing, and has been below replacement level for over a decade - source
Being religious is correlated with a higher fertility rate. Religious households were found to have more children on average than secular households. Among the theories are the rejection of contraception practices and doctrines of procreation found in religious systems.
Ostriches roam feral in some parts of outback Australia, but ...feral Aus Ostrich eggs have low fertility rates. - source
When analyzing population changes the fertility rate reflects?
China ended the 1-child policy back in 2015 and replaced it with a "2-child policy". However, Hong Kong is exempt from this policy (due to having one of the lowest fertility rates in the world) and their government provides tax incentives to have up to 9 children.
How to calculate total fertility rate?
The US fertility rate is below replacement levels, and below that of the UK, France, and Australia, but the US is growing faster than most developed countries due to immigration.
Africa contains 37 out of 40 countries with the highest fertility rates in the world with the population expected to quadruple over the course of the century.
About Singapore's low fertility rate and the creation of National Night.
Sperm count crisis: men in developed countries are experiencing sharply decreased fertility rates.
Access to TV is likely to be one of the factors that contribute to decreased fertility rates in rural regions of some developing countries like for instance in India.
Fertility rate infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Fertility Rate numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Fertility rate of women in Quebec born 1915-1980