Life Expectancy facts
While investigating facts about Life Expectancy Calculator and Life Expectancy In Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The average life expectancy for those with Down syndrome has gone from 12 years in 1912, to 25 years in the 1980's, to upwards of 60 years in the developed world today.
how life expectancy is calculated?
The Plague solved an overpopulation problem in 14th century Europe. In the aftermath wages increased, rent decreased, wealth was more evenly distributed, diet improved and life expectancy increased.
What's life expectancy in 2019?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's life expectancy in the united states. Here are 50 of the best facts about Life Expectancy By Country and Life Expectancy Uk I managed to collect.
what's life expectancy?
Rationing in the United Kingdom during WWII actually increased life expectancy in the country, and decreased infant mortality. This was because all people were required to consume a varied diet.
After years of inbreeding by kennel clubs, modern bulldogs' noses are so squashed they can barely breathe, their heads are so big they almost always have to be born via C-section. Their tails can become ingrown, they all have hip dysplasia, and their average life expectancy is 6 years.
In Stalingrad during WW2, the average life expectancy of a Soviet soldier was 24 hours.
In Okinawa, Japan, a place where the average life expectancy for women is around 90, the oldest in the world, people form a kind of social network called a moai — a group of five friends who offer social, logistic, emotional and even financial support for a lifetime.
Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
The average life expectancy of a flamethrower operator in combat during WWII was less than 10 minutes.
In 1925, General Electric, Phillips, & other light bulb manufacturers colluded against consumers & created the 'Phoebus Cartel'. The Cartel conspired to reduce the 1925 light bulb life expectancy from 2500 Hours down to only 1000 Hours & at the same time, to increase the Price Per Bulb.
Sweden's tourist association has create a "Call a Swede" phone number which is assigned to random de facto 'ambassadors' with no training or expectations. The goal is to provide an unfiltered view of Swedish life.
Human life expectancy has increased more in the last 50 years than in the previous 200,000 years of human existence.
SETI scientists believed that the chances for finding intelligent extraterrestrial life were far greater than initially expected, since Earth developed two intelligent species - humans, and dolphins.
Life Expectancy data charts
For your convenience take a look at Life Expectancy figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why life expectancy has increased?
You can easily fact check japan why life expectancy by examining the linked well-known sources.
People with HIV have a longer life expectancy than people with Diabetes.
Castration of the male testicles can cause an increase in life expectancy by an average of 14-19 years. - source
Life expectancy in the US has declined for two years in a row. The last time it fell two years in a row was 1962-63. - source
Residents of the city of Glasgow in Scotland have a disproportionately low life expectancy and no one's sure why.
In 1983, the average life expectancy for a person with Down Syndrome was only 25 years old. It is now 60 years old. - source
Life expectancy when chemo stops working?
There's a genetic disease called Laron Syndrome that results in short stature, longer life expectancy, and near immunity to cancer and diabetes - amongst other things.
How life expectancy has increased?
Marilyn Monroe quoted as saying "There is nothing positive about being fat, and there is nothing positive about loving yourself. We all need to conform to society's expectations of who we are, and if we don't, who will? - I was never fat a day in my life and I never will be"
Human life expectancy has increased more in the last 50 years than in the previous 200,000 years of human existence.
After Salazar, the dictator of Portugal, suffered a brain hemorrhage, he was expected to die shortly after and was replaced. When he awoke, rather then tell him, aides continually gave him fake papers to sign and he was made to believe he was still in power for the next two years of his life.
That, according to a 2007 study by the University of Southern Denmark, the secret to happiness is to have low expectations of life.
People with Down syndrome, who used to have a life expectancy of about 25, are living to 60.
Life expectancy infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Life Expectancy numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The gap in life expectancy in each US state between its longest-living and shortest-living county