Thursday facts
While investigating facts about Thursday, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2000, when the cast of "Friends" wouldn't come down from their $1,050,000/episode salary demands, NBC produced promos saying "You've loved them for seven years, see how it all ends with the series finale of Friends this Thursday". The cast agreed to lower salaries.
Last Thursdayism, a belief that the universe was created last Thursday, and it is absolutely impossible to disprove.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Thursday I managed to collect.
The color of the plastic tag on bread actually means something. They indicate the day of the week on which the loaf was baked: Monday - Blue, Tuesday - Green, Thursday - Red, Friday - White, Saturday - Yellow.
Thursday is National Cuban Sandwich Day, a “holiday” invented by a newspaper reporter in Florida to prove a point about how easy it is to invent dumb food holidays. Despite that, Cuban Sandwich Day continues to appear on calendars and is celebrated annually by restaurants around the world.
Dubai has a TGI Thursday's instead of TGI Friday's
In 1979 silver prices increase 712%. Caused by the Hunt's Brothers owning close to 1/3 of the independently owned silver in the world. Later causing a crash in the market called Silver Thursday.
'Bloody Friday', the 2008 worldwide stock market crash occurred 79 years to the day of 'Black Thursday', the stock market crash that kicked off the Great Depression
When the Gregorian calendar was implemented in 1582, Thursday 4 October was followed by Friday 15 October, to adjust to the new calendar.
MySpace Attracts 51 million Users a Month, Thanks to 'Throwback Thursday'
Thanksgiving as we know it today was started by George Washington, and made a federal holiday by Abraham Lincoln, and later moved to the last Thursday of November by FDR
The writers of 'Murder She Wrote', when moved to Thursday against 'Friends' wrote an episode where the murder occurred on the set of a fictional show called 'Buds'
Thursday data charts
For your convenience take a look at Thursday figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about thursday?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
On Thursday, December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat and got into an argument with the bus driver James Blake. He threatened to have her arrested. She was arrested and charged according to the Montgomery City code regarding segregation laws.
Ascension Day is also referred to as Holy Thursday, and Ascension Thursday.
After Sunday (the Sun) and Monday (the Moon), every day of the week is named after Anglo-Saxon derivatives of mythical gods. i.e. Wednesday after Woden, or Odin, Thursday after Thor, and so on. - source
Many parts of Germany ban dancing on Good Friday. "The strictest bans start at 4 a.m. on Thursday and run through Saturday."
Other countries that celebrate Thanksgiving include: Germany - they celebrate the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival in early October; Grenada - they celebrate Thanksgiving Day on October 25th; Korea - they celebrate Korean Thanksgiving Day in late September or early October; Japan - they celebrate Labor Thanksgiving on November 23rd; Liberia - they celebrate Thanksgiving on the first Thursday of November; and Norfolk Island celebrates Thanksgiving on the last Wednesday of November.
In the Middle Ages, married couples were not to have sex on Sundays (the Lord’s Day), nor on Thursdays or Fridays (which were used to prepare for Communion). There were also lengthy periods of required abstinence around holy events (like Lent) which could last from 15 to 60 days.
Father's Day (or Men's Day) in Germany is celebrated by men going on hikes while pulling wagons full of beer, wine and perhaps ham. Alcohol consumption is so integral that while being celebrated on Thursday, the following Friday is usually taken off as well, making it a 4-day weekend.
December 30, 2011 did not exist in Somoa. Samoa crossed over the International Date Line to better match the time zones of New Zealand, Australia and China, to improve business. Somoa went from Thursday December 29th directly to Saturday December 31st, skipping Friday December 30th completely.
In 1945 John Steinbeck's book Cannery Row was published, followed by The Wayward Bus (1947), The Pearl (1947), A Russian Journal (1948), Burning Bright in 1950, The Log from the Sea of Cortez (1951), East of Eden in 1952, Sweet Thursday in 1954, The Short Reign of Pippin IV in 1957, Once There Was a War in 1958, The Winter of Our Discontent in 1961, and Travels with Charley: In Search of America in 1962.
Musician Mark Mothersbaugh described work on Pee Wee's Playhouse as "Really chaotic. They'd send tape on Tuesday, I'd write music on Wednesday, record music on Thursday and we'd watch it on TV Saturday. Instead of writing an album once a year I was writing an album's worth of music in one week."
About Fat Thursday, which is a Polish tradition to eat loads of sweets and cakes on the last Thursday before Lent
Thursday infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Thursday numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.