Gdp Capita facts
While investigating facts about Gdp Capita Ranking and Gdp/capita By Country, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In EverQuest, the sale of valuable items for both in-game platinum and for actual money allows exchange rates to be worked out. The BBC reported in 2002 that EQ was the 77th richest country in the world, between Russia and Bulgaria, with a higher GDP per capita than both China and India.
how to calculate gdp per capita?
I learned that South Korea's GDP per Capita in 1960 was $79, and received aid from many African nations because it was so poor. It is now the 12th biggest economy in the world
What is real gdp per capita?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is gdp per capita ppp. Here are 50 of the best facts about Gdp Capita Per Country and Gdp Capita Per State I managed to collect.
what is gdp per capita?
Singapore is the third wealthiest country in the world (based on per capita GDP).
Zurich is the richest city in the world in 2015 (based on GDP per capita)
Liechtenstein, one of the smallest countries in the world, has one of the lowest business and corporate tax rates, highest GDP per capita, zero external debt, and more registered businesses than people.
Luxembourg is the second wealthiest country in the world (based on per capita GDP).
Venezuela had the world's 4th highest GDP per capita in 1950; trailing only the United States, Switzerland, and New Zealand.
Botswana, once one of the poorest countries in the world, grew its GDP per capita from US$ 70 in the 60's to US$ 16,000 in the 2010's
The nation of Nauru, population 9000, was once the richest nation in the world by GDP per capita thanks to its rich phosphate deposits formed by bird droppings
The tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru had the world's highest GDP per capita in the late 1960's, but has since gone bankrupt due to exhaustion of its phosphate reserves and mismanagement of its trust funds.
The most prosperous territory in South America - by GDP per capita - is French Guiana, which uses the Euro as its currency, and is part of France and the EU
Macau has the highest GDP per capita in the world which stems from rich Chinese travelling there to gamble.
Gdp Capita data charts
For your convenience take a look at Gdp Capita figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why liechtenstein’s per-capita gdp is so high?
You can easily fact check why is gdp per capita better than gdp by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ireland has a higher GDP per capita than the US
Despite the country of Singapore having some of the higher GDP per capita in the world. 3% of its people hold 85% of the country's wealth - source
Although China has the second largest economy in the world, it is still considered as a developing country because its per-capita GDP remains below any accepted minimum threshold for developed-country status - source
The Isle of Man, ranked by the World Bank as the 5th richest nation in the world by GDP per capita, with the largest sectors being insurance and eGaming with 17% of gross national product each.
Just 60 years after being colonized by the British empire, and settled by Europeans, New Zealand had the highest GDP of any country in 1900, over $200 more than the USA at $4300 per capita. Although the GDP decreased steadily, in 1959, the country of millions had only 21 unemployed people. - source
Gdp per capita will grow when?
Russia's GDP is the size of Mexico and Mexico's per capita income is 125% of Russia's per capita income
How to calculate real gdp per capita?
Japan has the highest debt per capita in the world, with a worth of more than 200% its annual GDP.
Between 1950 and the early 1970s, real GDP per capita in South Korea was exactly the same as in North Korea. As South Korea implemented market reforms, its economy and output per person started consistently rising while economic conditions to the north stagnated
By 1950, as the rest of the world was struggling to recover from World War II, Venezuela had the fourth-richest GDP per capita on Earth. The country was 2x richer than Chile, 4x richer than Japan, and 12x richer than China!
Due to its oil resources, Equatorial Guinea has a GDP per capita that is on a par with Italy and Spain. However, the wealth is distributed so unequally that 77% of the population lives below the poverty line.
With a GDP per capita (nominal) of US$37,477 spread over 579 million people, North America is the richest continent in the World. Second place is Oceania with US$35,087.
Gdp capita infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Gdp Capita numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Strong relationship between GDP per Capita and Life Ladder (Money can buy Happiness)