Capita Income facts
While investigating facts about Capita Income Meaning and Capita Income Of India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Although Mississippi has one of the lowest per capita income rates in the United States, Mississippians consistently rank as one of the highest per capita in charitable contributions
how to calculate per capita income?
At independence, Botswana was one of the poorest countries in the world with only 12km of paved roads and 22 university grads. Today Botswana has the highest per capita income in sub-Saharan Africa and on the same level as successful Eastern European countries
What is per capita income?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the per capita income of india. Here are 28 of the best facts about Capita Income Meaning In Hindi and Capita Income Definition I managed to collect.
what's capita income?
Washington DC has a higher per capita income than any State but also the 6th highest poverty rate in the United States
Liechtenstein has the third highest income per capita in the world following Qatar and Luxembourg.
The city of Detroit once had the highest per capita income of all cities in the United States
Russia's GDP is the size of Mexico and Mexico's per capita income is 125% of Russia's per capita income
Marin County, California has one of the highest income per capita in the United States and is home to San Quentin Prison as well as George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch
From my History Textbook and this article) That in 1776 the average per capita income of an American would still (indexed for inflation) make them wealthier than over half the world today in 2015.
There is enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet. Despite population increases, per capita food availability is roughly 2790 calories per person, per day in 2006-08. The principal problem is that many people do not have income or resources to obtain enough food.
The least populous county in the United States is Kalawao County, Hawaii. Its 90 residents also have the highest per capita income at $50,618.
Nauru, a tiny island nation in the South Pacific that once had the highest per-capita income in the world due to phosphate mining. The mining industry has since collapsed and the unemployment rate is 90%.
Venezuela has the fourth largest per capita income in 1950.
Capita Income data charts
For your convenience take a look at Capita Income figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why per capita income is calculated in dollars?
You can easily fact check why india per capita income is low by examining the linked well-known sources.
Norway has the world's highest median per-capita income, $19,308, which is 25% higher than the USA and 55% higher than the UK.
The Human Development Index, a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. Since 1990, when it began, only Norway (13x), Canada (8x), Japan (3x), and Iceland (2x) have been #1. - source
South Korea Didn't Pass North Korea In Terms Of GDP and Per Capita Income Until The 1980s - source
The Republic of Nauru, a country that once had the highest per-capita income in the world, nearly destroyed its economy by investing in "Leonardo the Musical"
When the per capita income is maximum the population is?
The costs of getting electricity in Madagascar is 8,583.3% of income (per capita) and takes ~450 days
How to calculate per capita income of a family?
At one point EverQuest had a GNP (Gross national income) per capita somewhere between that of Russia and Bulgaria, higher than that of China and India, and that a unit of EverQuest currency was worth more than the Yen or Lira.
Mississippi ranked 2nd among US states in charitable giving in 2012, despite having the lowest per capita personal income in all of the US. The average Mississippi household donated 7.2 percent of its discretionary income to charity. They also volunteered at a rate of 21 percent.
Top 15 Countries By Average Income per person:GDP per Capita from the year 1800 - 2040
The territory of Guam has a high per capita income than Mississippi, West Virginia, and Arkansas
Capita income infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Capita Income numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Freedoms, crime and median per-capita income by country