Anti Vaxxers facts
While investigating facts about Anti Vaxxers Plague Inc and Anti Vaxxers Top 10, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1986 Roald Dahl wrote a heartfelt plea (his daughter died of Measles in 1962) and pointed out that 20 children would die of measles due (in part) to the ignorance of anti-vaxxers.
how do anti vaxxers go to school?
The original Anti-Vaxxer falsified his findings and no other scientist has ever been able to verify his results.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 7 of the best facts about Anti Vaxxers I managed to collect.
what is the meaning of anti-vaxxers?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart promoting his anti-vaxxer book which Stewart seemed to agree with
Jim Carrey is an anti-vaxxer and wrote an article about it for Huffington Post
If anti-vaxxers rode the magic School bus.
Snoop Dog is an anti-vaxxer just like Jenny Mcarthy
The guy who started the anti-vaxxers movement had his medical license revoked.
Anti Vaxxers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Anti Vaxxers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.