Approval Rating facts
While investigating facts about Approval Rating Trump and Approval Rating Of Congress, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Dmitry Argarkov who scanned a credit card agreement, edited it, and returned it with a 0% interest rate and no limit in the new terms. The bank signed and approved without reading and a judge held them to it.
how are approval ratings calculated?
The FDA approved a medication that prevent HIV/AIDS in 2012... that has a 92% success rate.
What is the lowest approval rating of any president?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is congress approval rating. Here are 36 of the best facts about Approval Rating Boris Johnson and Approval Rating Trudeau I managed to collect.
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The United States Congress only has a job approval rating of around 15%, but Congressional incumbents are re-elected at a rate of roughly 95%
The US congress has a lower approval rating than cockroaches & colonoscopies, and is even less popular than it was during the American Revolution.
John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile, spends his Christmas morning dressed up as Santa and visits his call center employees handing out gifts and thanking them. Coincidentally he also has a 96% "employees approve of CEO" rating on glass door
The FDA approved the first gene therapy drug for use in the US - the drug modifies patient T-cells to hunt down and destroy cancer cells and has produced very high response and remission rates in clinical trials.
In 1999 a mentally ill man was arrested for plotting to kill sheriff Joe Arpaio with a pipe bomb. Saville was acquitted four years later when it was discovered that Arpaio's detectives had purchased the bomb parts themselves and framed Saville in a publicity stunt to boost approval ratings.
Harry Truman held both the highest (at 91%) and tied for the lowest (at 22%) approval ratings since Gallup started compiling them in 1937
Moments before taking office, Brazillian president Itamar Franco handed senators a piece of paper on which he had listed his personal net worth and properties. A popular president, his approval rating reached 60 percent and it soared to nearly 80–90 percent at end of term
Nearly half the illegals in the US didn't cross the desert or pay a smuggler. They came legally and overstayed their visa. As did the 9/11 terrorists. And the US rate of visa approval has increased dramatically in recent years.
Abraham Lincoln might have had the lowest approval ratings of any U.S president during time in office
In 2007, just before Australia's federal election, it was revealed former PM Kevin Rudd had attended a New York strip club while serving in parliament, but a poll released shortly after showed that Rudd's approval rating had INCREASED since the revelations. He went on to win the election.
Approval Rating data charts
For your convenience take a look at Approval Rating figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Trump's approval rating?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Predator 2(1990) was so graphic and violent that it was rejected by the MPAA 20 times, being recut each time, until they finally approved it for release with the R rating the studio wanted instead of the NC-17 rating it would have had without the recuts - source
Presidential candidate 'Deez Nuts'. He is currently polling third in North Carolina, and has an approval rating of double digits in multiple States. - source
John Smedley (CEO of Sony Online Entertainment) only has a 30% approval rating from former employees on Compare this to Blizzard's CEO Mike Morhaime of 88%.
According to Gallup Polls, the last time the U.S. Congress had at least a 50% public approval rating was June 2003. - source
When is a president likely to have a higher approval rating?
Neltrexone, an FDA approved drug used to treat alcoholism by blocking and reversing the affects of opioids. It has been shown to be up to 79% effective at decreasing relapse rates in some trials.
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The U.S. has the highest approval rating in the world per April, 2015 poll.
At one point, Russia's president Yeltsin had an approval rating of only 2 percent
The approved business mileage rates in the UK are set at 45p for cars (25p after 10,000 miles in a year), 24p for motorbikes, and 20p for bicycles. If a business pays above these rates, the excess will be taxed as normal income.
A new form of chemotherapy for cancer patients was recently approved by FDA and it has a very high success rate.
BREAKING: Trump Approval Rating Hits 46 Percent
Approval rating infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Approval Rating numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Approval ratings for each new president since 1945