Co2 Levels facts
While investigating facts about Co2 Levels, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Swiss company called Climeworks has a machine that can remove carbon dioxide from the air, and they aren't the only company doing so. Theoretically enough of these machines could reduce the CO2 ppm to pre industrial revolution levels.
There is a fern that has such a high level of atmospheric carbon sequestration that it caused an ice age. Azolla captures 6 tons of atmoshperic carbon per acre per year and could reduce global CO2 levels, while providing high protein livestock feed, or nitrogen rich fertilizer.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 21 of the best facts about Co2 Levels I managed to collect.
When a giant Asian hornet enters a Japanese honeybee’s hive, hundreds of bees emerge to form a violently-vibrating ball around it; the frenzy increases CO2 levels & the temperature to 115°F, which together are lethal to the hornet but not to the bees which can withstand up to 122°F.
DO NOT hyperventilate before going underwater – you can drown. Your body uses the CO2 level to judge when to breath, not the oxygen level, and thus when these are out of balance you can black out (from lack of O2) without realizing you need to breath.
Within about 600 million years, faster weathering of rocks by an increasingly brighter sun will reduce atmospheric CO2 levels below the threshold required for trees to survive, and all of earth's forests will die.
Every time in the past, for example 55, 183, 200, and 250million years ago, when levels of CO2 have risen as rapidly as they are today, there have been major extinction events, with up to 96% of all species lost.
Deep breathing can make anxiety worse for some people. It decreases CO2 levels in the same way hyperventilating does. Which has many nasty effects including anxiety.
In 2015, a 400 million year old fossil forest was discovered on an archipelago situated in the Arctic Ocean. The fossils indicated the area would’ve been covered in extremely dense, 13-foot tall lycopod trees that actually helped reduce the CO2 levels in the atmosphere by 15-fold.
Some fish are attracted to predators when subjected to higher CO2 levels, such as levels that are predicted within the century.
A low energy process exists for pulling CO2 from the atmosphere. It could decrease atmospheric CO2 levels to those of the pre-industrial revolution within 10 years.
Rising CO2 levels have made earth greener
Hypoxic Drive occurs when a person's respiratory drive monitors O2 levels instead of CO2, meaning they breathe when O2 levels reach a certain low point. Because of this, normal body O2 levels would cause someone with hypoxic drive to stop breathing.
Co2 Levels data charts
For your convenience take a look at Co2 Levels figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about co2 levels?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Record global (CO2) concentrations reached of 400 parts per million recently, levels not seen in the past 2,000,000 years. 50% of increase has been since 1980.
How increasing levels of CO2 contribute to climate change - source
The last time CO2 levels were this high, it was 1.5 million years before the 'invention' of fire, and 2.5 million years before the first neanderthal. - source
Shallow Water Blackout: Hyper-ventilating before going underwater will reduce CO2 levels to the point that your body will not normally trigger the need for a breath because CO2 levels were so low upon submersion. As you hold your breath, oxygen levels deplete until you lose consciousness.
A team of chemists found a way to convert atmospheric CO2 directly into highly valued carbon nanofibers, which can remove enough CO2 to decrease atmospheric levels to those of the pre-industrial revolution within 10 years - source
Reports of pollen allergies first appeared around the time of the industrial revolution. When exposed to warmer temperatures and higher levels of CO2, plants grow more vigorously and produce more pollen than they otherwise would.
There is a fern that has such a high level of atmospheric carbon sequestration that it caused an ice age. Azolla captures 6 tons of atmoshperic carbon per acre per year and could reduce global CO2 levels, while providing high protein livestock feed, or nitrogen rich fertilizer.
I've discovered how mosquito searches them perys. Pratically Mosquito feel your heat, CO2 level, humidity and, the best thing, your latic acid. The spray reppellent hides your latic acid smell. In the pic: Aneophilas, carrier of Malaria.
It's Confirmed: Southern hemisphere CO2 level rises above symbolic 400 ppm milestone
Co2 levels infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Co2 Levels numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.