Soccer Team facts
While investigating facts about Soccer Teams and Soccer Teams Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
"Zero", a soccer stadium in Brazil in which the midfield line is aligned with the Equator - zero latitude, which makes each team defending one hemisphere.
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A maximum-security prison in Uganda has a soccer league (run and played by prisoners), with an annual soccer tournament. The tournament is taken very seriously; they have a uniforms, referees, cleats, and a 30-page constitution. The winning team gets prizes such as soap, sugar, and a goat.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what soccer teams are in london. Here are 50 of the best facts about Soccer Team Names and Soccer Teams In London I managed to collect.
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The Australian women's national soccer team played a team of 15 year old boys to prepare for the summer Olympics in Rio and lost 7-0.
The American women's soccer team has placed in the top three for every world cup since it started. If they win this year, they will have placed first in half of all the world cups.
In 2016 12% of the entire population of Iceland traveled to France to cheer on their football (soccer) team during the Euro Championships
During the 2015 Paris attacks the German National Soccer Team couldn't go back to their hotel and as a result had to sleep on mattresses and as a sign of solidarity the French National Team slept with them in the stadium.
A Soviet soccer player was so popular that when he was sent to the Siberian gulags during Stalin's Great Purge in the 1930s, he was treated rather well as the gulag commanders were also his fans, who gave him better quarters and food rations, and was even asked to coach the local teams.
Carlo Kaiser had a decade long career as a professional soccer player, during which time he managed to hide the fact that he was a bad player through various techniques, such as faking injuries, changing teams, and befriending journalists who would write fake articles about him.
Soccer player Ronaldinho came to media attention at 13 years old when his team won 23-0. He'd scored all 23 goals.
FC Barcelona, one of the biggest soccer teams in the world, has a "reverse sponsorship" agreement with UNICEF. The team wears the organization's logo on their shirt while donating 1.5 million euros ($1.8 million) each year.
Almost every year the players of the Eritrean National Football team run away en masse when out of the country for games. In the past 6 years more than 50 players have fled. Despite this, Eritrean soccer officials continue to rebuild the team every year.
The coach of the german soccer team VfL Wolfsburg from 1998 to 2003 was Wolfgang Wolf.
Soccer Team data charts
For your convenience take a look at Soccer Team figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why was the thai soccer team in the cave by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Iran women's national soccer team fielded up to 8 men in 2015.
Last year the best woman's professional soccer team in the world lost a game to an under 15 year old boys Dallas academy team. - source
Carlos Kaiser was a soccer con artist, who managed to repeatedly fool teams into signing him over a nearly two-decade pro career by doing things such as having sports writers write fraudulent articles about his ability. He had little soccer skill and never scored a goal. - source
In 1998, all 11 members of a soccer team in Africa were killed by lightning while leaving the other team unhurt.
A Dutch porn actress, Bobbi Eden, promised all her twitter followers oral sex if the Dutch soccer team would win the World Cup of 2010, they lost the final with 0-1. - source
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There is a soccer team in Spain that since 1912 has only signed players who were born or raised in the Basque Country (where less than 7% of Spain's population live). Despite that, the team is one of the most successful teams in Spain, and is one of the only teams never to be relegated
How much do the women's soccer team make?
There exists a variation of soccer where 3 teams face each other at the same time.
The Australian Professional Women's Soccer team once lost a match 7-0 to an amateur team of 15 year-old boys
The Zerão soccer stadium in Brazil is built in such a way that the midfield line lies exactly on the Equator thus causing each team to defend one hemisphere.
The US women's national soccer team has never finished worse than 3rd place in the history of the Women's World Cup
Giuseppe Meazza, a soccer player, was sleeping when his game started against a top of the league team. After a few minutes, he was dragged from his bed without even washing his face, and went to the stadium. He scored two goals to win the game and was man of the match.
Soccer team infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Soccer Team numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.