Wednesday facts
While investigating facts about Wednesday, I found out little known, but curios details like:
US election day is always held on a Tuesday because in 1845 farmers often needed a full day to travel by horse-drawn vehicles to the county seat to vote. Farmers would leave Monday, vote on Tuesday and be back in time for market day, which was on Wednesday.
The original inventor of LEGO used to "spend the whole of every Wednesday in a different nursery school, sitting on the floor and playing with the children, to find out exactly what type of toys would be of the greatest interest to them.”
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Wednesday I managed to collect.
25% of suicides happen on a Wednesday, 11% more than the next highest day
Ted Turner, founder of Turner Broadcasting, donated $1 billion to the UN, called observers of Ash Wednesday "Jesus freaks," Christianity a "religion for losers," opponents of abortion "bozos," and advocates a one-child policy for the USA.
In the Middle Ages, Catholic women were prohibited from having sex on Sundays, Wednesdays, or Fridays, on feast days, while fasting for Lent or Advent or while "impure" (menstruation, pregnancy, 40 days after giving birth & while nursing). Everything but missionary position was considered sodomy
Survivors of Australia's infamous "Ash Wednesday" bushfires reported houses exploding before the fire could touch them due to the air pressure change, steaks found cooked well-done in deep freezers, a car moved 90m from the cyclonic fire storm and sand turned to glass.
In 2018 Ash Wednesday will be on Valentine's Day and Easter will be on April Fool's Day
The "Wednesday Demonstration" in Korea is the world's oldest rally on a single theme. Every Wednesday since 1992, former victims of Imperial Japan's large scale sexual slavery system has been organizing a rally in front of the Japanese embassy, requesting a sincere apology from Japan.
Wednesday is named after the god Odin, and is derived from the Old English name of the god: 'Woden's day'
In Elizabethan England fish had to be eaten every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday by law to sustain the fishing fleet which doubled as the navy.
There is a restaurant in St. Louis called Blueberry Hill. Chuck Berry performs there once a month on Wednesdays.
Wednesday data charts
For your convenience take a look at Wednesday figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about wednesday?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Jeff Goldblum does a live jazz show every Wednesday night in LA where he interacts with the crowd and plays jazz standards with his band
Jeff Goldblum plays Jazz Piano every wednesday night at a small bar in an LA Hipster neighborhood - source
After Sunday (the Sun) and Monday (the Moon), every day of the week is named after Anglo-Saxon derivatives of mythical gods. i.e. Wednesday after Woden, or Odin, Thursday after Thor, and so on. - source
Wednesday derives from Old English word Wōdnesdæg ‘day of Odin,’ named after the Germanic god Odin or Woden
Other countries that celebrate Thanksgiving include: Germany - they celebrate the Harvest Thanksgiving Festival in early October; Grenada - they celebrate Thanksgiving Day on October 25th; Korea - they celebrate Korean Thanksgiving Day in late September or early October; Japan - they celebrate Labor Thanksgiving on November 23rd; Liberia - they celebrate Thanksgiving on the first Thursday of November; and Norfolk Island celebrates Thanksgiving on the last Wednesday of November.
On the last Wednesday in September, Canada celebrates Maple Leaf Day, which falls during National Forest Week.
25% of suicides occur on Wednesdays, making it much higher than any other day of the week
South Korean protesters have protested outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul almost every Wednesday since 1992
Musician Mark Mothersbaugh described work on Pee Wee's Playhouse as "Really chaotic. They'd send tape on Tuesday, I'd write music on Wednesday, record music on Thursday and we'd watch it on TV Saturday. Instead of writing an album once a year I was writing an album's worth of music in one week."
Rock pioneer Chuck Berry was invited to play the White House in 1979 at the request of President Jimmy Carter. Berry continued to tour well into his eighties and showed up at St. Louis’ Blueberry Hill for his monthly Wednesday residency gig until from 1996 through 2014
In May 2016, Portugal ran on renewable energy for 4 consecutive days. The renewable energy came from various sources such as: Wind, Solar and hydropower. The run went from 6:45 am on Saturday May 7 to the following Wednesday until 5:45 pm.
Wednesday infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Wednesday numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.