Related Deaths facts
While investigating facts about Related Deaths To Vaping and Related Deaths To Alcohol, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Actress Judi Dench is growing a forest on her property in Surrey, England dedicated to loved ones in her life who have passed on. Every time a friend or relative dies, she plants a tree in their honor. She started the tradition after the death of her husband, actor Michael Williams.
how many gun related deaths in 2018?
Deaths from 9/11 related illnesses will soon outpace the number of people lost on that fateful day.
What is the cause of about three-fourths of all bicycle-related deaths?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country has the most gun related deaths. Here are 50 of the best facts about Gun Related Deaths 2018 and Alcohol Related Deaths 2018 I managed to collect.
what are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the us?
Stingray injuries are almost never fatal. When Steve Irwin died from a stingray attack in 2006, it was only the second recorded stingray-related death in Australia since 1945.
Eight deaths related to ingesting liquid laundry packets (i.e. Tide Pods) in the U.S. between 2012 and early 2017 that have been reported to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, only two of the cases were actually children, with six of them being adults with dementia.
During the Black Plague, the Jewish community had a lower infection risk than other populations. Among the theories, they suggest that Jewish religious practices promoted better health since so many rituals relate to hygiene. It resulted in the Jews being accused of causing the Black Death.
Charles Darwin & his wife were first cousins. They had 10 kids, 7 making it to adulthood. Worried that his marriage had something to do with the deaths, he began to experiment with plants. He learned that with any kind of breeding, it's better to cross-breed than to keep relatives together.
Chinese leader Mao had relations with a 14 year old girl and the girl's father tried to write an outraged letter to him after learning about it. But the post office brought the letter back and warned that insulting the Chairman could lead to extreme retribution or death
A lack of toilets costs India more than $50 billion a year, mostly through premature deaths and hygiene-related diseases.
2015 was the first year in over a decade without a death from fraternity related hazing
A man was cured of HIV in Germany via a bone marrow transplant from a donor whose gene mutation made him immune to HIV. That gene is relatively common in N. Europe. Researchers have speculated that the gene is the result of natural selection during diseases similar to small pox or Black Death
About the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. Tobacco companies will pay States based off of their tobacco sales volume. In return, the States will grant Tobacco companies immunity from any death or injury related lawsuits. This also created the Truth Initiative.
LSD is non-addictive, is not known to cause brain damage, has extremely low toxicity relative to dose, there have been no documented deaths from an overdose, it is physiologically well tolerated and there is no evidence for long-lasting physiological effects on the brain or other organs.
Related Deaths data charts
For your convenience take a look at Related Deaths figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about related deaths?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There was a satirical study published in the British Medical Journal in 2003 in response to the antivaccination movement titled "Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge". It's conclusion? Throw antivaxxers out of planes without parachutes.
A brazilian old lady had her heart surgery done with super glue. She went on to live for 13 more years. Her death wasn't related to the glue. - source
Charles Vance Millar, a Toronto lawyer who died in 1926 with no relatives. In his will, he left all his remaining assets (equivalent to $9 million CAD) to the woman who had the most babies within 10 years of his death, creating a "baby race" where woman competed to have the most babies. - source
"nearly 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States."
In 2015, more people died from selfie related deaths than shark attacks in Australia - source
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The number of 9/11 aftermath related deaths is set to outnumber the number that died on the day
How many alcohol related deaths in 2019?
John Belushi's death was initially ruled a drug-related accident, but 2 months later a groupie named Catherine Smith admitted to the *National Enquirer* that she had injected Belushi with the lethal "speedball" injection. Smith served 15 months in prison for manslaughter.
In 1992, a UK regulation required dance clubs to provide free water and chill-out rooms in response to a number of Ecstasy-related injuries and deaths
Most states don't track deaths related to dentistry.
There were no spider bite related deaths in Australia from 1979 until 2015.
The Frilled Shark. A shark which is seldom observed because of its life so close to the bottom of the ocean until they rise to the surface before their deaths, a life style that has caused the species to remain relatively the same for thousands of years.
Related deaths infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Related Deaths numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Nearly half of gun-related deaths are white men killing themselves