Death Toll facts
While investigating facts about Death Toll Uk Today and Death Toll Coronavirus Usa, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The death toll of the Halifax explosion would have been significantly higher if not for a lone railway dispatcher. The railyard had evacuated after being warned of the impending explosion, but one man ran back to telegraph halt orders to all inbound trains for Halifax, saving hundreds of lives.
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In 1918 World War 1 censors minimized early reports of the flu epidemic's death toll to maintain wartime morale. Newspapers in neutral Spain were free to report on the epidemic's effects, creating a false impression that Spain was the hardest hit, and giving rise to the name "Spanish flu".
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the death toll in the bahamas. Here are 50 of the best facts about Death Toll Bahamas and Death Toll Chernobyl I managed to collect.
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The Chambarakat Dam in Mosul, Iraq is listed as the most dangerous dam in the world due to being built on an unstable base of gypsum (the same mineral used in drywall). If it should fail, it would ultimately put Baghdad under 15 ft of water with a death toll of 500,000.
During the Great Famine, Ireland continued to export enormous quantities of food to England. This kept food prices far too high for the average Irish peasant to afford and was a major contributing factor in the large death toll from the famine.
Massive amounts of birds are killed each year by radio antennas. And that changing the static red light to a blinking light can cut the death toll by up to 70%.
There have been 60,000 attempts to get across the Berlin Wall. 5,000 people managed to escape through the Wall, with an estimated death toll of 136.
There was a conventional bombing raid that surpassed both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The U.S. used 1700 tons of incendiary bombs to light a giant flaming X in the most populated part of Tokyo. The death toll is unknown, but it destroyed homes of over a million people, killing at least 100,000.
The Leningrad siege in WW2 has been classified as an genocide by some historians. American estimates the death toll was higher than combined american and British losses in the war, "The Siege of Leningrad killed more civilians than bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined."
The Holodomor, an attempted genocide with a death toll surpassing that of the Holocaust. Between 1932-1933 Stalin purposely starved up to 7,000,000 Ukrainians.
The Holodomor, mass-deaths resulting from man-made famine in Ukraine during 1932. The highest estimates of death tolls rival the Holocaust with anywhere from 3 to 12 million killed.
On March 10, 1945, the U.S. carpet bombed Tokyo (specifically the area with homes made of wood and paper) with napalm, killing 105,400 people - putting it somewhere between the death toll of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Stalin ordered a canal to be built, by hand by prisoners in less than 20 months. The death toll estimates range from the official soviet death toll of 11,000 to Solzhenitsyn's estimate of 100,000. Once it was completed it was found to be too shallow to be useful.
Death Toll data charts
For your convenience take a look at Death Toll figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is uk death toll highest in europe by examining the linked well-known sources.
Besides Chernobyl and Fukushima, there was a Soviet nuclear disaster that happened on 1957. The Kyshtym Disaster. Death toll is estimated to be at 50 to more than 8,000. The CIA knew about it but covered it up to prevent panic affecting their own nuclear plants.
168 individuals were officially killed in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing but the discovery of a mysterious left leg in the rubble led to suspicion that the death toll was actually 169 - source
4 years after the Vietnam War ended, China invaded Vietnam. Despite lasting only a month, the death toll reached over 100,000, ~10% of the 20-year long Vietnam war. - source
Richard Gatling, the inventor of what is considered to be the first machine gun, had actually hoped that the tremendous power of his new weapon would discourage large scale battles and show the folly of war; eventually leading to significantly lower death tolls in future conflicts.
That, in terms of global population, the deadliest conflict of all time was the An Lushan Rebellion, an eighth century revolt against China's Tang Dynasty. Its death toll is estimated to be between 5% and one-sixth of the world's total population at the time. - source
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The Great Fire of London claimed 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches, and temps reached up to 1250 °C. Only 6 deaths were recorded. The true death toll is unknown because poor and middle-class people were not important enough to have their deaths recorded.
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Selfie death toll higher than shark attack death toll
The Matara Express, a train which was derailed and destroyed by the tsunami of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. It is considered the largest single rail disaster in world history by death toll. More than 1,700 perished.
The Three Kingdoms War (184 AD-280AD) fought between the Wei, Shu, and Wu Chinese states. The war had the highest death toll of any ancient war with between 36 and 40 million deaths. It wasn't until World War 2 that any war had a higher death toll.
On the same day as The Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the same high winds contributed to America's deadliest forest fire. Death tolls are estimated between 1500 and 2500. The Chicago Fire is thought to have killed 300.
The deadliest air raid in history occured in Tokyo Japan on the night of March 9 -10, 1945. The raid was code-named "Operation Meetinghouse" and killed more than 100,000 people in a single strike. It was the highest death toll of any air raid during the war, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Death toll infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Death Toll numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Global death toll of natural disasters