Deaths Attributed facts
While investigating facts about Deaths Attributed To Chernobyl and Deaths Attributed To Vaping, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Despite Americans owning more than 78 million dogs as pets, only 20-30 deaths per year are attributed to dog attacks, fewer than bees
inclement weather attributed to how many deaths in 2017?
Steve Jobs had the only form of pancreatic cancer that was treatable and curable, but relied heavily on alternative medication, which largely attributed to his death.
What percent of all deaths in the u.s are attributed to cancer?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what approximate proportion of premature deaths are attributed to healthcare. Here are 50 of the best facts about Deaths Attributed To The Great Depression and Deaths Attributed To Covid I managed to collect.
what percent of lung cancer deaths is attributed to smoking?
Jewish communities had lower death rates during the 14th c. Black Death due to their hygienic practices. This in part inspired a wave of antisemitic violence in Christian Europe, where some communities attributed the pandemic to a Jewish conspiracy.
Although nuclear power accounts for nearly 20% of the United States' energy consumption, only 5 deaths since 1962 can be attributed to it.
More than 30% of all deaths in Russia in 2012 were attributable to alcohol.
The line often attributed to John Lennon - "Ringo isn't the best drummer in the world. He isn't even the best drummer in the Beatles" - was actually said by comedian Jasper Carrott three years after Lennon's death
Death by misadventure" is a legally-defined manner of death, primarily attributed to an accident that occurred due to a dangerous risk that was taken voluntarily.
There have been only 2 human deaths attributed to wolves in North America in the 21st century
The Voltaire quote co-opted by the far-right movement, "to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise" is actually a false quote attributed to Voltaire, and was likely first used by White Supremacist Kevin Strom in 1993, 215 years after Voltaire's death.
The oldest person to have ever lived, Jeanne Calment, aged 122 at death, attributed her longevity to a diet of olive oil, port wine, and 2 pounds of chocolate every week.
In 2015, Blue Bell Ice cream maker knew that Listeria had been found in several of their factories and that products had been exposed to it, up to two years previously. The CDC attributed the Listeria outbreaks with 10 cases and 3 deaths.
Antonio Vivaldi created roughly 800 pieces of work throughout his lifetime. His music was not played often after his death. Instead it was locked away or even at times attributed to other composers.
Deaths Attributed data charts
For your convenience take a look at Deaths Attributed figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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Large scale death among bee colonies is not a mystery, but largely attributable to a parasitic mite: Varroa destructor
3.5% of cancer deaths worldwide are attributable to the consumption of alcohol and that the World Health Organization has classified alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen. - source
About “death by misadventure”, an official coroner’s term that attributes to an accident that occurred due to a dangerous risk that was taken voluntarily. - source
About 12 people die each year within the Grand Canyon. The deaths can be attributed to everything from accidental falls, to heat-related deaths and drownings during rafting trips on the Colorado River.
A death erection. Also known as "angel lust", this phenomenon generally occurs when a male dies in a vertical position often hanging and is attributed to pressure on the cerebellum. A complete erection with discharges is seen as often in 1 and 3 hangings. - source
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Not a single death certificate has ever been written where the direct cause of death has been attributed to LSD.
How many deaths attributed to chernobyl?
As of 2008 there were 64 deaths attributed to radiation from the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster. This number is estimated to be capable of rising to as high as 4,000.
The huge spike in deaths during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 has been attributed to Aspirin poisoning, in part because the Surgeon General at the time recommended an abnormally high dose to treat flu symptoms.
James D French has been attributed with famous last words before his death by electric chair: "How's this for your headline? 'French Fries'".
Abraham Lincoln is widely attributed to have written a graphic poem regarding suicide called "The Suicide's Soliloquy" in 1838. It was written exactly three years after the death of his first love, Ann Rutledge.
There is a movement of skeptics who deny that AIDS is real or that HIV causes it. Researchers have attributed hundreds of thousands of AIDS-related deaths and HIV infections to the South African government's former embrace of HIV/AIDS denialism.