Related Fatalities facts
While investigating facts about The Percent Of Alcohol-related Fatalities Declined To and Work Related Fatalities, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Dry counties have 3x the fatality rate of alcohol-related accidents than wet counties, because people drive longer distances for alcohol
how many traffic fatalities are alcohol related?
Stingray injuries are almost never fatal. When Steve Irwin died from a stingray attack in 2006, it was only the second recorded stingray-related death in Australia since 1945.
What is the most common cause of crane-related fatalities?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what proportion of road fatalities are speed related. Here are 22 of the best facts about Highway Equipment Related Fatalities and Weather Related Fatalities I managed to collect.
what was the greatest cause of weather related fatalities in 2008?
France generates roughly 73% of it's electricity from Nuclear Power, is one of the world's largest exporters of power, and has not had a single nuclear related fatality.
Cartier sunglasses (which can go for $2650 and up) are a status symbol in Detroit. Detroit Police estimate 9 murders, 17 non fatal shootings, and 2158 robberies related to the glasses between '12 and '16.
Muslims suffered between 82 and 97 percent of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years.
The 14 highest peaks in the world over 8,000m, the deadliest are Annapurna I with a 32% kill rate (deaths/ascents), K2 (26.5%) & Nanga Parbat (20.3%). Everest is relatively safe with a fatality rate of 3.9%
Mushroom related deaths, the Amanita make up of 95% of the fatalities, with 50% of them from the death cap, which is commonly mistaken for edible mushroom varieties. The toxins irreversibly destroy liver cell functions and can require a transplant.
Musicians tend to die at a rate two to three times greater than the rest of the population, with drug-related incidents and travel-related deaths representing sixty percent of all musician fatalities.
According to the Department of Labor, Truck drivers have more non-fatal injuries on the job than any other job in America, and 1 in 6 of all work related deaths.
There are roughly 85 forklift related fatalities and 34,900 serious injuries each year
The Leisure and Hospitality sector had more workplace related deaths (202 fatalities with 38 homicides) than the Law Enforcement sector (97 fatalities with 31 homicides) according to the BLS 2013 survey.
The nation with the highest per capita rate of car-related fatalities is actually Ethiopia, with 190 deaths per 10,000 vehicles a year. It's also the number 1 cause of death for children.
Related Fatalities data charts
For your convenience take a look at Related Fatalities figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about related fatalities?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Since the park's opening, Disneyland has had 9 ride related fatalities and 4 suicides. Including 3 from the Disneyland Hotel, and 1 from a parking structure.
Half of all traffic-related fatalities occur in the dark, despite only 25% of traffic travelling during darkness - source
On average, there are 3 treadmill related fatalities a year
From 1990 to 2006 the US Nationwide Children's Hospital recorded 1,647 fatalities from cardiac-related injuries associated with shovelling snow. - source
What to do when your grant proposal is rejected?
WW2 started on September 3rd, 1939, but the British did not suffer their first service fatality in France until 3 months later, on December 9th (Corporal Thomas W. Priday was killed leading a patrol). This period of relative calm is commonly referred to as the Phony War, or Sitzkrieg.
Approximately how many automobile fatalities are alcohol related?
Only three people have actually died in space. All other space exploration-related fatalities occurred inside the earth's atmosphere.
In the first American gun-related homicide, John Billington stalked John Newcomen through a Plymouth Bay forest in 1630, fatally shooting Newcomen in the shoulder as he hid behind a tree. Billington was then hanged.
Muslims suffered 82-97% of worldwide terrorism-related fatalities from 2005-2010.
On average, states that have legalized medical cannabis had a decrease in traffic-related fatalities by 8-11%.