Car Crashes facts
While investigating facts about Car Crashes Near Me and Car Crashes Today, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1929 hockey player Eddie Shore, after missing his train, drove 350 miles through a blizzard to a game. The car's chains broke twice, the wipers broke, he removed the top half of the windshield, and crashed into a ditch. He still made it and scored the game's only goal.
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Once a year in parts of England flying ants migrate. Seagulls catch and eat them and then become drunk off the ants' formic acid, causing them to crash into buildings and moving cars.
What to do when someone crashes into your car?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do dreams about car crashes mean. Here are 50 of the best facts about Car Crashes Youtube and Car Crashes Into House I managed to collect.
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In 1895 there were only two cars in the entire state of Ohio but they still managed to crash into eachother.
The scene in Fight Club where Tyler is explaining the cost of a recall when "A car built by my company crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside" is based on ACTUAL leaked memos from GM and Ford.
About Karen Silkwood, a chemical technician who died in a car crash after attempting to expose unethical things done at the nuclear power plant she worked in.
New Mercedes-Benz cars will play a short blast of white/pink noise just before an unavoidable crash, forcing the occupant's ears to turn off for a moment, preventing the hearing loss normally caused by the crash itself or airbags.
"Complex PTSD". Typical PTSD happens after a single incident like a car crash, but C-PTSD results from prolonged trauma, like childhood abuse or neglect. It's harder to spot & to treat. Victims have issues with trust, boundaries, and sense of self... and they often get revictimized.
The actor that played Anakin in Episode 1 quit acting as a result of being bullied for his role in the movie, eventually leading to him being placed in psychiatric care after crashing his car during a high speed police chase.
In 2004 a flawless diamond worth $300,000 was attached to the nose cone of each Jaguar Formula One car in order to promote the film Ocean’s 12. On the first lap of the Monaco Grand Prix, one of the drivers crashed into a barrier, and the diamond was lost.
After the death of Princess Diana, radio station XFM banned certain songs that might upset people. Banned songs included Drive by The Cars, Airbag by Radiohead and anything by the Crash Test Dummies.
A stray dog saved a woman after she crashed down an embankment and was thrown through the back window of her car. The German Shepherd emerged from the woods, pulled her by the collar off the trunk and 50 yards through the briars to the road where she could be seen by passing motorists.
In 1945, a B-25 bomber pilot crashed into the Empire State Building's elevator shaft, snapping the cable. By the time the carriage reached the bottom, a thousand feet of cable had piled up beneath it acting like a spring, which allowed the lone occupant in the car to escape injured but alive.
Car Crashes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Car Crashes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why do drivers survive car crashes by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1998, Wu Tang Clan member Ol' Dirty Bastard witnessed a car crash from the window of his Brooklyn recording studio. He and a friend coordinated onlookers and lifted one of the cars to rescue a four year old girl, whom ODB visited in hospital under a fake name.
A car crashed through the front window of the struggling Cape Cod Potato Chips store in 1980, almost hitting the owner’s daughter. The subsequent insurance payment and publicity from the accident helped tide the company over until the following summer, by which time business was booming. - source
In the 80's and 90's, Domino's guarantee of delivery within 30 minutes led to so many fatal car crashes their employee death rate was compared to miners and construction workers. - source
A woman texted "Driving drunk woo" 3 minutes before crashing her car into a truck which killed her 22 year old passenger friend.
Frane Selak, an 85 year old who narrowly survived a train crash which killed 17, being blown out of a plane which killed 19, a bus accident which killed 4, 2 car explosions, being hit by a bus, and narrowly avoided being hit by a truck, TO THEN go on and win the lottery. - source
What happens when car crashes?
Larry King crashed into John F. Kennedy's car in 1958. John F. Kennedy said he’d forget the whole thing if King promised to vote for him when he ran for president.
How many car crashes a day?
In 2014 prescription drugs surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental death in 29 US states.
In 1998, a woman disappeared while awaiting trial after she had drunkenly killed a woman in a fatal car crash. In 2013, she was arrested in Manitoba, Canada after bragging in a bar about having gotten away with the crime.
Roger Federer's coach, Peter Carter, was killed in a car crash in South Africa in 2002. Every year since 2005, Federer arranges for Carter's parents to fly out of Adelaide to attend the Australian Open in Melbourne, where they sit in his box, stay at his hotel, and attend the celebrations.
Patsy Cline was offered a car ride back to Nashville with singer Dottie West. Cline refused, telling West, "Don't worry about me, Hoss. When it's my time to go, it's my time." Patsy Cline died in a plane crash later that same day.
In 2004 a $300,000 diamond was lost in an F1 crash. The diamond was attached to the car to promote Ocean's 12 and was never recovered after the crash
Car crashes infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Car Crashes numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Percentage of US car crash fatalities where driver blood alcohol level was .01 and above, 1999–2012 [from Wikipedia]. Do not drink and drive. It can rip families apart.