Car Accidents facts
While investigating facts about Car Accidents Today and Car Accidents Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a mutation that causes bones to become 8 times denser than normal that allow people to walk away from car accidents without a single fracture but with a trade off of being unable to swim.
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The Weezer song "Mykel & Carli", released in 1994, is about sisters Mykel and Carli Allan who established the band's fan club and are considered the band's biggest fans. Mykel and Carli, and younger sister Trisha, died in a car accident in 1997; members of Weezer attended their funeral.
What state has the most car accidents?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what color car gets in the most accidents. Here are 50 of the best facts about Car Accidents In Phoenix Today and Car Accidents Near Me Today I managed to collect.
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Distracted driving from Pokemon Go is estimated to have led to 145,000 car accidents, injuring 30,000, killing 256 & causing $2B+ in damages
During the filming of Rocky IV Sylvester Stallone was hit so hard by Dolph Lundgren, he spent 8 days within intensive care. The injuries he sustained are usually caused by steering wheel trauma to the chest in car accidents. Stallone said "in a sense I was hit by a 'streetcar named drago'"
For every mile traveled, motorcyclists have a risk of a fatal accident that is 35 times higher than a car driver.
A Russian dog whose owners were killed in a car accident. Despite attempts to adopt or re-home him, the dog refused to leave the site of the accident and waited for them until it died 7 years later. The city informally adopted the dog and dedicated a statue to honor his loyalty.
Winston Churchill was nearly killed in a car accident in NY in 1931 after trying to cross the street and look at the wrong side of the road forgetting he was in the US and not in the UK where driving directions are reversed.
1 in 5 organ donations comes from the victim of a vehicular accident, and self-driving cars may end up exacerbating the shortage.
Those "baby on board" signs hanging in car windows serve a purpose of alerting first responders that there is a person in the vehicle that's unable to unbuckle themselves in the event of an accident
A car crashed through the front window of the struggling Cape Cod Potato Chips store in 1980, almost hitting the owner’s daughter. The subsequent insurance payment and publicity from the accident helped tide the company over until the following summer, by which time business was booming.
Frane Selak, an 85 year old who narrowly survived a train crash which killed 17, being blown out of a plane which killed 19, a bus accident which killed 4, 2 car explosions, being hit by a bus, and narrowly avoided being hit by a truck, TO THEN go on and win the lottery.
Car Accidents data charts
For your convenience take a look at Car Accidents figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do car accidents happen?
You can easily fact check why do i keep getting into car accidents by examining the linked well-known sources.
Politeness can kill. The "Wave of Death" is a polite gesture by a driver who waves on a jaywalker or car, indicating they’ll allow them to cross the street/intersection without checking if it’s safe for them to do so, causing an accident.
After surviving a car accident and receiving a settlement, Paul Dennis Reid used the money to get a plastic surgery, and then pursued a career as a country singer, under the stage name Justin Parks. When that failed, he became a serial killer. - source
Guitarist Les Paul's right elbow was shattered in a car accident. Doctors were unable to repair it so he had them fuse his arm bones at a 90 degree angle so he could continue to play guitar. - source
Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, of TLC, was in a car accident that killed a young boy, Bayron Lopez. She mourned the boy and felt that death "made a mistake" due to their similar last names and it was her that was supposed to die. Two weeks later she died in another car accident.
A woman named Hien Tran was laying in intensive care after a car accident and investigators were searching for clues due to apparent stab wounds in her neck. A week after she died, a letter arrived from Honda urging her to get her red Accord fixed, because of faulty airbags that could explode - source
When car accidents happen?
Cobra Commander was a used car salesman in the GI JOE comics. His brother was killed in a drunk driving accident, he became embittered and started a pyramid scheme called COBRA.
How many car accidents per day?
Mob boss John Gotti's youngest son was hit by a neighbors car while riding a mini bike, and killed. Not long after the accident the neighbor went missing and has never been found
After a terrible car accident that put Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc.) into a coma, the only thing that woke him up was one of Blanc's neurologists that asked, "Bugs Bunny, how are you doing today?" He replied, “Myeeeeh. What’s up doc?”
Ol' Dirty Bastard saw a car accident and he and his friend helped a 4 year old girl to the hospital.Using a fake name,he visited the girl frequently until the media spotted him.
The Mercedes Unimog has won the truck class of the prestigious Dakar Rally several times, often by accident as a support for cars and motorbikes
Kevin Peter Hall, the actor who played the Predator (1987), who was in a near fatal car accident in 1990. While receiving a blood transfusion at the hospital, he contracted AIDS and died less than a year later.
Car accidents infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Car Accidents numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Steps To Take After a Car Accident To Protect You Legal Rights