Iraq Afghanistan facts
While investigating facts about Iraq Afghanistan War and Iraq Afghanistan Veteran Hat, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The ADE 651; an inert rod of metal with a plastic hinge, was sold as a bomb detector. It was used by the militaries of Iraq, Afghanistan and more than a dozen other countries for years before anyone noticed that it did nothing at all.
how many civilians died in afghanistan and iraq?
So many Purple Hearts were produced in the anticipation of the invasion of the Japanese mainland in WWII that they are still being issued today in Iraq and Afghanistan
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what continent is iraq and afghanistan in. Here are 50 of the best facts about Iraq Afghanistan Veterans Of America and Iraq Afghanistan War Movies I managed to collect.
what best characterizes iraq and afghanistan today?
The highest troop concentration in the history of counter-insurgency warfare was not in Iraq, or Afghanistan, but in Ireland, where the British stationed 20 troops for every 1000 civilians during the peak of The Troubles
More US citizens have died in Chicago than fighting in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001...
Thanks to new DNA technology and better evacuation tactics, there have been zero "unknown" soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In World War II there were 8,526.
The modern assault rifle used by British forces still allows for fixed bayonets, which is rare in modern rifles. Orders commanding soldiers to fix bayonets, in heavy fighting, has happened multiple times in the modern wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A group of people repurposed a bogus "golf ball finder" into a bomb sniffer, leading to hundreds of deaths in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. The device is nothing more than some plastic and metal junk.
The gatling styled rotary gun M61 Vulcan used in Iraq and Afghanistan by US and other Nato forces was designed in 1946, almost 70 years ago.
US army used mules to carry ammunition and supplies over the rough terrain during the soviet wars in Afghanistan and during the war in Iraq. Mules are still used in military purposes today.
US Soldier suicides outnumbered combat deaths in 2012. Nearly 85% of soldiers who commit suicide have never seen combat and more than half haven't been deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq.
The detainees at Guantanamo Bay originate from a variety of different countries including Albania, Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, U.K., United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and the United States.
Since 2003, police officers have killed more Americans than the war in Afghanistan and Iraq
Iraq Afghanistan data charts
For your convenience take a look at Iraq Afghanistan figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did the us invade iraq and afghanistan?
You can easily fact check why did the iraq and afghanistan war start by examining the linked well-known sources.
During WW2, a total of 14,903 pilots died in the United States during training exercises, 8,264 more than in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.
The US military spent over $20 billion a year on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan. - source
The Five Techniques of interrogation, used against Irish Nationalists and condemned by the European Commission on Human Rights, were the same ones used by the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan. - source
The US military issued pogs as coinage during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, because metal coins are more difficult to transport than paper pogs.
The US has spent over $4.79 Trillion on wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan and the Department of Homeland Security through 2016 - source
When did the us invade afghanistan and iraq?
The United States military has 4,000 robots that are used for scouting in dangerous countries like Iraq and Afghanistan where roadside bombs are common. The Taliban fighters have discovered that they can disable these robots by flipping ladders on top of them.
How far is iraq from afghanistan?
The Department of Defense made a set of playing cards for US soldiers to identify/respect Afghanistan and Iraq monuments.
The number of Mexican homicides since 07' is greater than the combined civilian death toll of Iraq and Afghanistan
Jason Everman played in both Nirvana and Soundgarden. He ended up joining the Army's 2nd Ranger Battalion and later the Special Forces, serving tours in Afghanistan and Iraq
Purple Hearts that were made in expectation of the invasion of Japan in WWII were still being given out to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.
Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia currently have more women in government than in the United States.