Heat Wave facts
While investigating facts about Heat Wave Europe and Heat Wave 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is so loud, it’s acoustic sound waves heat up the surrounding atmosphere to almost 2400 degrees Fahrenheit
how heat waves form?
In 2010 during a heat wave Siberian bears began to dig up cemetaries and eat the corpses of humans
What heat wave causes?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's heat wave in spanish. Here are 40 of the best facts about Heat Wave Visual and Heat Wave Uk I managed to collect.
what's heat wave?
Louis Slotin, a scientist who died while working on the Manhattan Project. He accidentally dropped a hemisphere of beryllium on a plutonium core; witnesses saw glowing blue light and felt a heat wave. He died nine days later. The plutonium core was later nicknamed the "demon core".
The 1995 Chicago Heat Wave killed 739 people, more than the great fire of 1871.
Summer blockbusters got their start when James Carrier installed an air cooling system in Paramount’s Rivoli Theater in Times Square during a 1925 heat wave.
In 2003 Europe experienced a heat wave that killed more than 70,000 people.
Corn evapotranspiration aka "Corn Sweat" that causes immense humidity in the Midwest during heat waves.
Maya Angelou recorded her first album, Miss Calypso in 1957. A 1957 film called Calypso Heat Wave was inspired by her off-Broadway review.
Immediately before and after a total eclipse, you may see something called "Shadow Bands" waving about on flat surfaces. It looks a little like summer heat waves coming off the road.
In 2010 a heat wave, resulting for wildfires, killed over 50,000 people in Russia.
In 1954, a 70-ton whale carcass was displayed next to Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog stand in an effort to sell more hot dogs. A heat wave occurred, and the whale began to reek, driving away customers. The whale was then towed out to sea.
In 2003 a heat wave in Europe killed 70,000 people!
Heat Wave data charts
For your convenience take a look at Heat Wave figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why heat waves are dangerous?
You can easily fact check why heat wave in india by examining the linked well-known sources.
Let it snow" is not a christmas song. It was written in July 1945, in the midst of a californian heat wave. The lyrics describe the writer's desire for cooler weather.
Reggae evolved from Ska. A heat wave made musicians slow down the rhythms so people would not overexert themselves. - source
Heat waves are considered natural disasters and they have killed more people than all other natural disasters combined. - source
The 2003 European heat wave killed more than 14000 people in France.
In 2003, Europe was hit with a heat wave that killed around 30,000 people, 15,000 alone in France. - source
When is the next heat wave?
The Soviets designed a thermobaric grenade for clearing houses and other confined spaces. It kills by pressure waves and heat, not projectiles. It is lethal at up to 3 meters, but safe at 4 meters.
How to get beach waves without heat?
The 1995 Chicago heat wave led to 739 heat-related deaths in Chicago over a period of five days, and occurred this week 24 years ago.
The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least 1540. The heat wave led to health crises in several countries and combined with drought to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. Peeranalysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000
Illinois has some of the most varied weather in the country. They experience intense heat and cold waves, catastrophic and deadly tornadoes and major winter storms and blizzards.
In 1854 he became a professor at the University of Heidelberg and with Robert Bunsen founded the science of spectrum analysis by proving that every element gives off a characteristic wave length of light when heated to incandescence.
The song Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! was written during a heat wave in summer.