Traffic Accidents facts
While investigating facts about Traffic Accidents Near Me Now and Traffic Accidents Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Carmel, IN has replaced almost all of their traffic lights by roundabouts. This led to an estimated 40% decrease in all accidents and 90% in fatal ones, saving $180,000 because of lower maintenance cost and several thousands of gallons of gas per roundabout per year
traffic incidents?
Research reveals slow left lane drivers are spiking accident rates. Slowing down and changing lanes multiple times can be far more dangerous than speeding, causing almost 10 percent of highway accidents. Some drivers are misguided in believing they are keeping people safer by slowing traffic
What state has the most traffic accidents?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are road traffic accidents. Here are 50 of the best facts about Traffic Incidents and Traffic Accidents Today I managed to collect.
what is the leading cause of traffic accidents?
In 2015 more Americans died of prescription opiate overdoses than were murdered or died in traffic accidents.
There are studies proving that red light cameras are admittedly pure profit, do nothing to cease traffic accidents, protect citizens, or allow safety.
Drug overdoses from opiods increased 14% in 2014, killing 40,000 people. This is an increase of 137% since 2000. More people die from drug overdoses, says the CDC, than in road accidents: just under 33,000 people died in traffic accidents last year in 2014.
Because of Daylight Savings Time and the loss of an hour of sleep, the Monday after clocks ‘Spring Forward’ sees an increase in fatal traffic accidents.
The traffic on the Arc de Triomphe roundabout in Paris is so chaotic, insurance companies will always split the liability of an accident 50/50.
Billboards featuring naked breasts caused 517 traffic accidents in 1 day.
Actor Joaquin Phoenix got into a traffic accident which flipped over his car, but was rescued by a random passerby who first calmly snatched away Phoenix's cigarette lighter right before it lit up the leaking gas tank. The passerby was Werner Herzog.
Swedish researchers found a 5 percent increase in the risk of heart attacks right after Daylight Saving Time began, along with an increase in traffic accidents, workplace injuries and suicide rates.
A UK village redesigned traffic flow in its town center to eliminate all traffic signs and signals. Since the redesign, the accident rate dropped, economic activity increased, and one citizen noted, "I think we’re all being kinder to one another."
Ebola killed 0.1% of the population in Africa's three most affected countries in 2014. The average person there is more likely to die in a traffic accident than by Ebola and almost nobody there wear seatbelts
Traffic Accidents data charts
For your convenience take a look at Traffic Accidents figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do accidents cause traffic?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
On September 3, 1967, Sweden changed from left-hand driving to right-hand driving in the middle of the day, despite 83% of the population voting against it. It was the biggest such change ever, but 0 deadly traffic accidents occurred the day of the shift.
There are cities in Europe that got rid of traffic lights and they have less accidents - source
Men have weaker immune systems, higher cholesterol, more heart problems, greater susceptibility to diabetes, higher rates of cancer and lower chances of surviving it. Men make up over 2/3 of murder victims, 3/4 of traffic accident fatalities and are 3 times more likely to commit suicide - source
American Shorthair has thick coat that is suitable for outdoor living, but it is mostly kept as indoor cat today. Life inside the house ensures good health and prevents potential conflicts with other cats and dogs, as well as traffic accidents.
If cars become driverless there will be an estimated 80% less emissions, 90% less accidents, as much as 40% less traffic congestion, and space saved in parking.
When do most traffic accidents occur?
Women are more likely to fail their driving test but men are far more likely to be involved in a traffic accident.
How many died in traffic accidents each year?
The ferry trip took 20 to 27 minutes depending on which route was taken to cross. It is possible to drive across the bridge in 10 minutes if there is no traffic. The speed limit is only 45mph to increase safety and reduce traffic accidents.
About Casper, a cat who rode on buses in the city of Plymouth in England. He was the subject of an article on the BBC, and had a book written about him. Sadly, the beloved cat died in a traffic accident in 2010.
During the Chinese cultural revolution, the communist party tried to change traffic laws so that red, the color of communism, meant "go" and green meant "stop". Poor party planning led to a massive spike in accidents, and the initiative was pulled.
When Toronto installed Safer Crosswalk Signals With A Countdown Timer The Rate of Traffic Accidents Involving Pedestrians Decreased, While The Rate of Car Accidents Increased at those Intersections
Bill Boaks who ran in 40 British parliamentary elections between from 1951 and 1986 on the platform of road safety before dying at age 81 in a traffic accident
Traffic accidents infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Traffic Accidents numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Traffic accidents in the City of Milwaukee by time of day for each day of the week