Median Income facts
While investigating facts about Median Income Us and Median Income By State, I found out little known, but curios details like:
NYC rents have increased 75% since 2000, while median income has decreased 5%
how median income is calculated?
Asian American women earn around the same median income as white men; asian males earn far more
What is median household income?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the median income in the us. Here are 35 of the best facts about Median Income By Country and Median Income Australia I managed to collect.
what's median income?
The median family income of a student from Harvard is $168,800, and 67% come from the top 20 percent. About 1.8% of students at Harvard came from a poor family but became a rich adult.
Indian Americans are the richest ethnic group in the United States, earning a median income of $100,547 in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Indian American have the top median household income of in America at $101,591, followed by Taiwanese Americans at $85,566 (on the other hand, Native Americans have a median household income of $37,227).
According to the 2000 US Census, the median income for men in Allen, South Dakota was $0.
Owsley County, Kentucky, a county that is among the poorest in the United States. Median household income of $19,146, 45% of the population lives below poverty line.
Alcan, Alaska, solely consisting of US Customs employees and families at a Canadian border crossing. Zero unemployment or poverty, $77K median income for men and $0 for women, population of 33.
The full amount you and your employer pay for your health coverage is now reported on your W-2. If you have a median income of $50,000 and your box 12 DD says $9000, that means nearly 20% of your pay is going to your Health Care.
A gigantic gap in wealth in two consecutive NYC subway stops. The area around the Fulton Street station on the A/C line has a median income of $62,927; around Chambers St, the next stop, the income is $205,192. Chamber St area is highest in system; Sutter Ave ($12,288) in Brooklyn is lowest.
While the Median Household Income has gone up (blue line) it's actual equivalent buying power (purple line) has stayed the same since 1965.
In the United States, the median income for British, Australian, Japanese, Swiss, Canadian, and Scandinavian Americans are all over $60,000.
Median Income data charts
For your convenience take a look at Median Income figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why real median household income?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
According to United States Census figures, the all-Hasidic Jewish village of Kiryas Joel, an hour north of New York City, is the poorest in the country, with median family income less than $18,000.
Even though the technical recession ended in 2009, median household income did not bottom out until 2012. - source
Norway has the world's highest median per-capita income, $19,308, which is 25% higher than the USA and 55% higher than the UK. - source
Out of countries with more than 10 million people, Australia, the US, and Canada are #1, #2, and #3 for highest median incomes
When is the median age?
Despite being infamous for its cost-of-living, the median household income in NYC was $50,711 in 2010-2012, less than the national median of $51,842 in 2011 according to the BLS
How to calculate median household income?
The median income of Guam is higher than the median income of 3 US States.
Over a lifetime, 401k fees can cost a median-income two-earner family nearly $155,000 and consume nearly one-third of their investment returns
Muniz, TX, a town with the second-lowest median household income in the United States, got their city’s first street lights in 2013.
Median income infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Median Income numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Every county in America, who they voted for in 2016, college education level, and median income