Significantly Higher facts
While investigating facts about Significantly Higher Synonym and Significantly Higher Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The death toll of the Halifax explosion would have been significantly higher if not for a lone railway dispatcher. The railyard had evacuated after being warned of the impending explosion, but one man ran back to telegraph halt orders to all inbound trains for Halifax, saving hundreds of lives.
how much is a significant portion?
Studies show vegans have significantly higher rates of mental health issues
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 37 of the best facts about Significantly Higher Statistics and Significantly Higher Than I managed to collect.
what does significantly higher mean?
Vitamin D deficiency is linked with many health disorders, including depression. In a survey of almost 8,000 US residents, it was found that those with lower vitamin D levels "are at a significantly higher risk of showing depression".
There are roughly 46 million people enslaved in the world today, which is actually significantly higher than the total American population at the start of the Civil War (31 million)
Some unmanned spacecraft don’t have colour cameras because they get a higher resolution if it’s black and white and because less information had to be transmitted, thus saving the space crafts power supply and is significantly deceases the time it takes to transmit the data back to earth.
The Yaghan people adapted to their very cold climate by having significantly higher metabolisms than other humans (average body temperatures 1 degree warmer than Europeans). They routinely went bare naked in the frigid cold of the far southern region of Tierra del Fuego.
Although considered by many to be taboo when cousins get married, the risk of them having offspring with genetic defects is not significantly higher than two random strangers having kids.
Gender can now be determined from the concentration of amino acids in a fingerprint (levels are significantly higher in the sweat of women than that of men). The testing method can be performed at the crime scene and works in a manner similar to pregnancy strips or glucose meters.
There is a significantly lower overall mortality rate for permanent residents at higher altitudes. Additionally, there is a relationship between increasing elevation and decreasing obesity prevalence in the United States.
Maternal Mortality Rates are Significantly Higher in the US than in Most Countries in the “Developed World”
Rocket exhaust has about the same pressure as the air around it when it exits the nozzle. If it were significantly higher pressure than ambient, more energy will be wasted as the exhaust expands and pushes in all directions, rather than just the direction of flow.
Scientists have repeatedly found that people who lack—or believe that they lack—close social connections have significantly higher mortality rates than those who find themselves surrounded by friends.
Significantly Higher data charts
For your convenience take a look at Significantly Higher figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why significant digits?
You can easily fact check why do scientists use significant digits by examining the linked well-known sources.
Einstein described Emmy Noether as "the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began".
About a study (N=63) that showed that "The rate of nightmare sufferers was significantly higher in left-side sleepers (40.9%) than in right-side sleepers (14.6%)" - source
The suicide rate in men is significantly higher than in women. - source
People with latent toxoplasmosis (aka parasitic infection from cat feces) have significantly higher risk of traffic accidents
Men have significantly higher hand-grip strength than women, even when comparing untrained men with female athletes. - source
Because the air pressure is significantly higher when it is colder?
Pennsylvania has the most Lyme Disease cases, but Vermont and Maine have significantly higher incidence rates.
Cows milked by robots produce significantly higher yields then those milked by hand.
That bearded men harbour significantly higher burden of microbes and more human-pathogenic strains than dogs.
Rwanda, South Africa, and the Phillipines are ranked significantly higher than the United States in gender equality by the World Economic Forum
A 1987 psychological study found a significant increase in mental health problems among female adult film starts compared with the general population - childhood trauma incidence rate was also higher.
Older adults with lower levels of Vitamin D are at significantly higher risk of developing Alzheimer's and other dementia.