Hiv Infection facts
While investigating facts about Hiv Infection Symptoms and Hiv Infection Rates In Southern Africa, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2000 Portugal decriminalized ALL drugs. If police find someone w/a supply larger than 10 days worth of personal use they aren’t arrested but brought before a “dissuasion panel” made up of experts who evaluate the person & prescribe treatment. both HIV infections & deaths by OD have plummeted.
how hiv infection happens?
Bayer sold HIV and Hepatitis C contaminated blood products that caused up to 10,000 people in the US alone infected to HIV. After they found out the drug was contaminated, they pulled it off the US market and sold it to countries in Asia and Latin America so that they could still make money.
What are the 4 stages of hiv infection?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is acute hiv infection. Here are 50 of the best facts about Hiv Infection Rates and Hiv Infection Icd 10 I managed to collect.
what's hiv infection?
In its January 1988 issue, Cosmopolitan ran a feature claiming that women had almost no reason to worry about contracting HIV. The piece claimed that unprotected sex with an HIV-positive man did not put women at risk of infection and went on to state that "most heterosexuals are not at risk".
Captain Planet was the first cartoon to deal with AIDS. The episode featured a villain who brainwashed the community making them think Aids could be passed by casual contact, making the whole town hate a young man infected by HIV- AIDS voiced by Neil Patrick Harris.
A female doctor from brazil, after being fed up from burglars jumping over her fence and steal her belongings, tapped dozen of HIV-infected syringes atop her metal fence with a warning board saying, ”Wall with HIV positive blood. No trespassing.”
A woman was diagnosed HIV+, despite her husband and exes all testing HIV-. Convinced her spouse(a doctor) infected her via a "vitamin shot", she had detectives examine his clinic's records. 1 HIV+ blood sample was missing. That patient's HIV strain was ~identical to hers, convicting the husband.
Alligators have an incredibly resilient immune system. They don't get serious infections from cuts and bruises even while living in bacteria infested swamps. Alligator blood is effective against 23 types of bacteria, and fungi and viruses including HIV.
A drug exists that has been shown to prevent HIV infection at a 92% success rate for gay men and a 70% success rate for intravenous drug users, but less than 1% of at-risk people currently take the drug and only 1/3 of primary care doctors have even heard of it.
An estimated 10% of Europeans are immune to HIV infection because they have an ancestor who survived bubonic plague (the "Black Death.")
2010 and 2015, Russia accounted for more than 80% of the new HIV infections in the entire Eastern European and the Central Asian region.
The TV series Captain Planet was the first children's show to deal with HIV-AIDS. The episode involved a villain brainwashed a community, making them think HIV could pass on just by casual contact, making the entire town hate a young man infected by HIV, voiced by Neil Patrick Harris.
Texas charged a man who knew he was infected with HIV with assault with a deadly weapon after the man committed sexual assault. The court concluded that under Texas’ laws, infected semen could be considered a deadly weapon.
Hiv Infection data charts
For your convenience take a look at Hiv Infection figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is early diagnosis for hiv infection important quizlet?
You can easily fact check why is it difficult for a person with hiv to fight infections by examining the linked well-known sources.
There's been a drug for over a decade called Truvada that may be up to 99 percent effective at reducing the risk of HIV infection
Ryan White, an HIV/AIDS spokesman in the 80s, was expelled from middle school after contracting HIV from an infected blood transfusion. 117 parents and 50 teachers campaigned for his ban, after being told that the students would catch HIV if they were in the same class as he was. - source
Famous science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov died as the result of an HIV infection from a blood transfusion given during triple-bypass heart surgery. - source
Cutter (a division of Bayer) knowingly sold blood tainted with the HIV virus to Taiwan, Malaysia, Argentina, China, and other "less developed countries", effectively infecting thousands of hemophiliacs with HIV.
Black gay men in America have the highest HIV rates in the developed world, and that by the age of 40, there is a 60% chance that they are infected with the virus. - source
When does diarrhea start after hiv infection?
There is a new drug called PreP which HIV neg people can take so they can "safely" have unprotected sex with HIV pos people and it reduces the risk of becoming infected by 90%.
How hiv infection is diagnosed?
Thabo Mbeki (former President of South Africa) refused to believe that HIV infection cause AIDS despite well-established scientific consensus. His denial resulted in 365,000 people, who could have been saved otherwise, dying prematurely.
A story about Greek people self-infecting with HIV to collect 700 euro per month was largely unfounded, but a bunch of news organizations printed it anyway.
There was a man named Robert Willner who stuck his finger with HIV infected blood in an attempt to prove that AIDS is not caused by HIV retrovirus.
Bayer AG knowingly sold HIV-tainted blood to Hemophiliacs in the 1980's, infecting thousands worldwide.
If you think you have been exposed to HIV within the last 72 hours, you can take HIV medications in a process called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) that has a very good likelihood of preventing you from becoming infected