House Commons facts
While investigating facts about House Commons Live and House Commons Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
An average house fly lives for about a month. A lot longer than the commonly thought 2 or 3 days.
how many seats in the house of commons?
It's a common response, due to fight-or-flight, for children to hide during house fires. Since they cannot "fight" the danger their natural response is to hide from it.
What is the house of commons?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the leader of the house of commons do. Here are 50 of the best facts about House Commons Speaker and House Commons Canada I managed to collect.
who is the new speaker at house of commons?
House of Cards had such an impact on British culture that some of the phrases including "You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment" started to be used in the House of Commons.
A Dutch nursing home which provides free housing to college students in return for being good neighbors, interacting with older residents, attending parties, etc to ward off loneliness and depression common in the elderly.
During the thunderous applause following his famous 'We shall fight on the beaches' speech to the to the House of Commons in 1940, Winston Churchill whispered to a colleague, "And we’ll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that's bloody well all we've got!".
There is a position in the House of Lords called Black Rod. Their job is to summon the House of Commons and have a door slammed in their face, showing the people's power over the monarchy.
Hyenas only resemble dogs due to evolutionary convergence. They are, in fact, more closely related to lions, leopards, and common house cats
In Wellington New Zealand there are suburbs where it is common to have a private cable car from your garage to your house.
Tomatoes were commonly believed to be poisonous until 1820 when a man in Salem, New Jersey ate a horde of tomatoes in front of a court house in order to disprove the myth. A crowd watched the event waiting for him to die. He didn't.
In 1830 to keep horse-drawn wagons and loiterers out of his alley, John Hollensbury removed the alley by building a tiny 7 foot wide 325 square foot townhouse. The house, located in Old Town Alexandria VA, is commonly referred to as The Spite House.
Cheetahs and Cougars aren't related to the other big cats (Panthera). They're apart of the Felinae family, related to the common house cat.
John Trevor, speaker of the House of Commons in the 1690s, who was so cross-eyed members of the House were frequently uncertain as to which of them had "caught the Speaker's eye", and would try to speak out of turn.
House Commons data charts
For your convenience take a look at House Commons figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do mps stand up in house of commons?
You can easily fact check why do they stand up in the house of commons by examining the linked well-known sources.
Harry Hornby who was reluctantly elected to the House of Commons in 1886 and served until 1910. During that time he never spoke or even attempted to speak while serving in Parliament
In 1995, a NASA research team experimented on the effect of caffeine, benzedrine, marijuana and chloral hydrate on European garden spiders. Their experiments have shown that common house spiders spin their webs in different ways according to the psychotropic drug they have been given. - source
The STD Chlamydia can infect your eye and the common house fly is a vector of transmission - source
Hobos (circa 1940) used numerous slang words with many becoming part of common language, such as "big house", "main drag" and others. This wiki article has a list of 66 slang words and descriptions.
When MP Geoffrey Dickens campaigned against the suspected pedophile ring in the House of Commons in the 80s, accusing them of making big money on child pornography, he began receiving threatening phone calls, his home was burgled multiple times, and his name ended up a killers hit-list. - source
When was the house of commons built?
Popular tourist destinations in Boston include the Freedom Trail, Faneuil Hall, Boston Common, Fenway Park, Museum of Fine Arts, New England Aquarium, Paul Revere House, Prudential Tower, Bunker Hill Monument, Harvard Museum of Natural History, USS Constitution Museum, Trinity Church, and Boston Harbor.
How is the speaker of the house of commons chosen?
Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, Independent Socialist MP who slapped the Home Secretary in the House of Commons for defending the Parachute Regiment after Bloody Sunday, and survived an assassination attempt by the Ulster Defence Association after being shot 9 times
The only place the Queen cannot go is the House of Commons. This is rooted in Charles II's attempt to enter the House of Commons with an armed force to arrest 5 MPs for high treason in 1642 at the onset of the English Civil War
Cornwallis served in the Parliament during the 1760s in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. He voted against the Stamp Act in 1765.
He lobbied the House of Commons to establish a penal colony on Botany Bay in Australia and for 20 years he fostered it and was a general advisor to the British government on Australian matters.
Common nettle develops small greenish-brownish individual flowers that are grouped in axillary inflorescences. Latin name for common nettle is "Urtica dioica". Word "dioica" means "two houses" and it refers to the male and female plants (each plant possesses either male or female reproductive organs).