Speaker House facts
While investigating facts about Speaker House Of Commons and Speaker House Of Representatives, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Speaker of the House during Watergate could have stalled the VP confirmation and impeached Nixon which would have made himself POTUS, but he concluded that, as a Democrat, he had no right to a Presidency that the American people had entrusted by election to a Republican.
how is the speaker of the house chosen?
The Speaker of the House is not required to be an elected member of the House of Representatives. There is no requirement in the Constitution even though they are third in line for the Presidency.
What does the speaker of the house do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the name of the speaker of the house of representatives now. Here are 50 of the best facts about Speaker House Of Assembly and Speaker House Of Lords I managed to collect.
who is the new speaker at house of commons?
The US Constitution does not require the Speaker of the House to be a member of the House of Representatives -- in other words, ANYBODY can be elected Speaker
In 1837, The Speaker of the House of the Arkansas General Assembly Killed another Sate Representative with a Knife Right on the Floor of the General Assembly. They were arguing over a bill about wolf pelts. The killer won at trial and was never punished.
The odd quirk in the Presidential Line of Succession -- going from Executive Branch (Vice President) to Legislative Branch (President Pro Tempore, Speaker of the House) -- was initially created to specifically keep Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, out of the line of succession.
John Trevor, speaker of the House of Commons in the 1690s, who was so cross-eyed members of the House were frequently uncertain as to which of them had "caught the Speaker's eye", and would try to speak out of turn.
According to the Constitution, technically any U.S. citizen can be elected Speaker of the House in Congress. It has never happened, but being a Congressman is not a requirement. The Speaker is 2nd in line after the Vice President to become President if needed.
A group of Canadian First Nations men in their 20s founded a language house to help revive the everyday use of Sk̲wx̱wú7mesh language, listed at only 7 fluent speakers in 2014 and their dream is to establish a full time Squamish language academy for adult learners
Dennis Hastert, former Republican Speaker of the House from 1999-2007 became the highest ranking US politician to go to prison. He had molested an unconfirmed number of boys (at least 4) and was indicted and plead guilty on charges of silencing a victim with hush money. He served 12 months.
There is no requirement that the Speaker of the House is a congressman.
Speaker House data charts
For your convenience take a look at Speaker House figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is speaker of the house 3rd in line?
You can easily fact check why is the speaker of the house so powerful by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is an urban legend about German "almost" being an official language of the newly formed United States, in which Congress debated postponing the idea, but it was defeated by one vote, that vote being from House Speaker Frederick Muhlenberg, him being of German heritage himself.
Upon being elected Speaker of the House of Commons in the British Parliament, the successful candidate is physically dragged to the Speaker’s Chair by other MPs.
The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives does not have to be a member of the House of Representatives - source
When is the next election for speaker of the house?
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, who is second in the Presidential line of succession, need not be a Representative. Any schmoe off the street can theoretically be elected by the House as Speaker.
How do you become speaker of the house?
Buckingham, a UK constituency, effectively cannot vote in a General Election since the residing MP is John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons. Political parties agree to not put forward a candidate hence the Speaker - who cannot vote on legislation - gains an almost guaranteed win.
Chatham House Rule encourages free discussion by allowing what was said at meetings to be disclosed, but not who said it nor which organisation the speaker belongs to
After being elected Speaker of the House of Commons in the UK, the newly elected Speaker is "unwillingly dragged" by MPs to the bench. Historically, the Speaker, representing the House to the Monarch, potentially faced the Monarch's anger and therefore required some persuasion to accept.
The Speaker of the House Does Not Have to be a Member of Congress
The US Speaker of the House does not have to be a member of the House of Representatives, even though every speaker so far has been.