Royal Family facts
While investigating facts about Royal Family Tree and Royal Family News, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The current royal family of Sweden is descended from an ordinary French commoner who rose through the ranks to become a general under Napoleon and was then randomly selected to become the King of Sweden.
how royal family works?
The Dutch royal family took refuge in Canada during WW2 occupation, upon the birth of Princess Margriet, the Ottawa maternity ward was temporarily declared to be Dutch territory by the Canadian government. Since then every year the Dutch people send Canada thousands of tulips in appreciation.
What royal family do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what royal family is the richest. Here are 50 of the best facts about Royal Family Queen Elizabeth and Royal Family Cast I managed to collect.
what royal family member are you?
Ireland's Gaelic royal families were not all wiped out by the English. Many were exiled to contiental Europe were they intermarried with royals in countries such as France and Spain. Many of their descendants became leaders in their new homes including French President Patrice de MacMahon
The British royal family refused to flee London during the Blitz, instead choosing to endure the horrific bombings and support the common people during a time of crisis. The Buckingham Palace suffered 9 direct hits, and the royal family earned adoration and respect from across the country.
The members of The British Royal Family aren't allowed to play Monopoly because of how vicious the competition gets.
Due to DNA research on Richard III's remains, the current English royal family may not have a legitimate claim to the throne.
The Saudi Royal Family throws lavish sex parties involving alcohol and drugs, despite enforcing strict Sharia Law within their country.
Queen Elizabeth II was a mechanic and truck driver during WW2. She's the only female from the royal family in British history to join the armed services.
The Swedish royal family befriended a 19 year old Somali refugee, who proceeded to sell the Swedish crown jewelry to drug dealers and tossed a 40,000 dollar tiara into a stream.
If a Belgian family has seven sons or daughters in succession, the king/queen becomes godfather/godmother of the child and it receives royal gifts. This still happens a few times per year.
Cleopatra was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, the most incest-friendly royal family in recorded history, and her first two husbands were her younger brothers
The imperial family of Japan descends from an unbroken lineage of nearly 2,000 years. No other royal family in history has held its position for so long. The first Japanese emperor, Jimmu Tennō, ruled when Jesus was around.
Royal Family data charts
For your convenience take a look at Royal Family figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why royal family split?
You can easily fact check why royal family can't play monopoly by examining the linked well-known sources.
By the 1600s, the Spanish royal family had a higher infant-mortality rate than their peasants.
The royal family (UK) changed their name to House of Windsor from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, due to German bombers of the name Gotha carrying out a strike on a school that killed 18 children on June 13, 1917. - source
Princess Alexandrine of Prussia, the eldest daughter of Wilhem, German Crown Prince, and Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.She was born with Down Syndrome, however, unlike other royal children with special needs, she was not hidden away and appeared in family photographs and at special events. - source
Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake", rather she was moved by the plight of the poor and was known for her generous donations. The statement was attributed to detractors trying to get rid or the royal family.
The motto of the British Royal Family, "Dieu et mon droit", refers to their claim that they have a divine right to rule the country of France. - source
When did the royal family start?
Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth, was born into both the Danish and Greek Royal Families and is the oldest ever male member of the British Royal Family at 96. He retired from royal duties last year after completing 22,219 solo engagements since 1952.
How royal family funded?
During WW2 the Canadian government housed the Dutch Royal Family and when princess Juliana went into labour Canada declared the Hospital in Ottawa international territory so their child would maintain their Dutch citizenship and remain as the heir to the Royal Family.
The UK's royal family's last name 'Windsor' is actually taken from Windsor castle, rather than vice versa.
The Japanese Imperial Family has a staff of more than 1,000 people (47 servants per royal). 30 gardeners, 25 chefs, 40 chauffeurs as well as 78 builders, plumbers and electricians. The Emperor has four doctors on standby 24 hours a day, five men manage his wardrobe and 11 assists in Shinto rites
In 2001, the King of Nepal was killed by his son, the Crown Prince, when he went on a shooting spree that killed nearly a dozen members of the royal family.
In 2012 the laws of succession were altered to allow the eldest child born within the British Royal family, regardless of gender, to precede his or her siblings.