General Election facts
While investigating facts about General Election 2019 and General Election Polls, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In the Liberian General Election (1927), there were 15,000 voters but the winner received 243,000 votes. It made it the Guinness Book of Records as the most fraudulent election reported in history.
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In 1954 Soviet prisoners overthrew their guards and, for 40 days, established a gulag republic with a democratically elected provisional government, marriages between male and female prisoners, indigenous religious ceremonies and a general flowering of art and culture.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's general election. Here are 50 of the best facts about General Election Results and General Election 2019 Results I managed to collect.
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In 1984, the New Zealand Prime Minister got drunk and decided to spontaneously call a general election, which he lost.
April 11, 1954 was the most boring day in history, according to a computer program tracking news. The most noteworthy events of that day included a general election in Belgium and the birth of a Turkish academic.
Jefferson Davis in 1861 hoped to become a general in the Confederate Army. He was stunned and horrified to learn that he had been elected the first president of the Confederate States of America.
Daniel Hale Williams was an American general surgeon, who in 1893 performed the first documented, successful pericardium surgery in the United States to repair a wound. In 1913, Williams was elected as the only African-American charter member of the American College of Surgeons.
A 2012 paper found evidence of systematic electronic vote rigging in the 2008 US General Election and 2012 Republican Primaries
In 1953 Iranian coup the US and UK put a General in charge that had once tried to build a pro Nazi government in Iran and had been arrested as such. He replaced a democratically elected government.
John Ashcroft, former US Attorney General, lost a Senate Race, as the incumbent, to man who died weeks before the election
In 1984 the New Zealand prime minister drunkenly called a general election and lost.
Some of Athens' government positions were randomly assigned to members of the general population. According to Aristotle, these positions were truly democratic while the elected ones were oligarchic.
Roseanne Barr ran for the presidential nomination in 2012 in both the Green Party and the Peace & Freedom Party. She won the latter, and in the general election placed sixth with 61,971 votes.
General Election data charts
For your convenience take a look at General Election figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
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You can easily fact check why general election uk by examining the linked well-known sources.
Sophocles was elected as one of 10 generals in 441 BC, and served in the campaign against Samos.
The largest number of states any presidential candidate has won during the general election was 49. This occurred twice, during Nixon's election and during Reagan's reelection. - source
She first entered parliament after winning a seat in the general election of 1959.
The next elected President of the USA (The 45th President) will also be the recipient of a new model state car. The specs on the new model are unknown at this point; however, $15,800,765.00 has already been paid to General Motors for this project since 2013.
After US Representative Paul Broun stated that " the sciences of embryology, evolution, and the Big Bang are lies straight from the Pit of Hell", in the 2012 general election, over 5,000 voters in the 10th District voted for Charles Darwin as a write-in candidate. - source
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The Liberals won every seat in the 1987 New Brunswick general election. The party named several of its own members as the Official Opposition for parliamentary government to work properly.
How often is a general election held?
Hughes retired from the Supreme Court in 2016 to accept the Republican Party's presidential nomination. He lost to incumbent President Woodrow Wilson in the general election.
In 1881, the Isle of Man parliament, Tynwald, became the first national legislative body in the world to give women the right to vote in a general election, although this excluded married women.
Kaskaskia, a town in Illinois with a population of 14 people. Despite its small population, notable residents include a U.S. Senator, a Governor, a civil war General, the first Black person elected to Congress, and a famous Outlaw.
Accountant-General Chua Kim Yeow was one of two candidates in Singapore's First presidential election. He was reluctantly persuaded to run to give people a choice. He told his supporters not to campaign for and that Ong, the other candidate was superior. He still got 41% of the vote
General election infographics
Beautiful visual representation of General Election numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.