National Assembly facts
While investigating facts about National Assembly For Wales and National Assembly Seats, I found out little known, but curios details like:
"right-wing" and "left-wing" labels originated from the French Revolution, in which anti-royalists sat on the left of the French National Assembly hall and pro-royalty sat on the right.
how national assembly was formed?
The terms "right wing" and "left wing" originated during the French Revolution, when in the National Assembly, supporters of the king sat to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left.
What major reforms did the national assembly introduce?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did the national assembly do. Here are 42 of the best facts about National Assembly Of Zambia and National Assembly Mauritius I managed to collect.
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Kevin Vickers is not the first Canadian parliamentary Sergeant-at-Arms to stop a killing spree. In 1984, Quebec's René Marc Jalbert went unarmed to the scene of a massacre in the National Assembly and persuaded the gunman to surrender
The terms "left" and "right" in politics appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left.
The Holy See, the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome is a permanent observer state of the United Nations and has used this status to oppose the adoption of a resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity proposed by the European Union in the General Assembly.
The last recorded sword duel in history was held in France in 1967. Two politicians (Defferre & Ribiere) dueled because Defferre yelled ‘Shut up, stupid!’ in the National Assembly and refused to apologize for his words. Defferre never apologized and also won the duel.
The juridical assembly of Vikings was called a 'thing'. Today the names of the national legislatures of Iceland, Norway and Denmark still incorporate the word 'thing'.
The General Assembly of the United Nations is the main assembly and includes all Member States. This assembly meets each year but can meet for emergencies as well.
Until 1985 Teachers" Day in the United States was celebrated in March. In 1985 it was changed to the month of May by the National Education Association Assembly.
Because of the murders and assaults of those affected by albinism in some parts of the world, the United Nations General Assembly declared the 13th of June International Albinism Awareness Day.
Thingvellir is derived from an Old Norse word meaning "assembly field". Thingvellir was used as a place to settle disputes and was used as an open air assembly for the entire country of Iceland.
Holocaust Remembrance Day was established as part of the General Assembly Resolution 60/7, which urges every United Nations member state to honor the Holocaust victims. It also encourages developing educational programs to prevent future genocides, and rejects any denial that the Holocaust occurred.
National Assembly data charts
For your convenience take a look at National Assembly figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did the third estate form the national assembly?
You can easily fact check why did the national assembly form by examining the linked well-known sources.
The United Nations is funded by contributions of member states. This amount is determined by the General Assembly which bases the contributions on the country's ability to pay. There is a maximum amount any country is expected to contribute.
Teddy Roosevelt held a variety of important positions before becoming US President including captain of the National Guard, minority leader in the NY Assembly, civil service commissioner, New York City Police Commissioner, NY governor, Assistant U.S. Navy Secretary to President McKinley, and Vice President of the United States.
2013 was called the "International Year of Quinoa" by the United Nations General Assembly in an effort to raise awareness of quinoa's potential role in nutrition, fighting poverty and helping to provide food security.
Fidel Castro was so concerned about assassination attempts against him that he brought his own live chickens in cages to eat during his 1960 visit to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly.
René Marc Jalbert, the Sergeant-at-arms of the Quebec National Assembly. When the parliament was attacked in 1984 by a mentally ill soldier who killed 3 people, Jalbert confronted the gunman and persuaded him to surrender after talking to him for 4 hours. - source
When national assembly was formed?
In 1984 Denis Lortie stormed the Quebec National Assembly killing 3 and wounding 13. It would have been more had he not come at the wrong time on the wrong day. Sergeant-at-arms Rene Jalbert convinced him to give up by being so nonchalant that he chit-chated with him while smoking a cigarette.
How national assembly was formed in france?
Benjamin Franklin was a fashion icon in France. When he passed away, the French National Assembly declared a day of mourning.
The title of oldest parliament in the world belongs to Iceland's Vikings. It was called Althing and was established in 930 at Thingvellir which is less than 30 miles from the nation’s capital, Reykjavik. There also stood a law rock, known as the logberg, in the middle of the assembly.
The terms "left" and "right" appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left.
The first ever zoo was created in Paris during the French Revolution as a demand of the National Assembly that all privately held exotic animals be donated to the menagerie or stuffed.
El Salvador’s legislative assembly has adopted a dog that lives in the national legislative building