Member Parliament facts
While investigating facts about Member Parliament Salary and Member Parliament Canada, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When a bill was presented to legalise same-sex marriage in Iceland, no members of parliament voted against it.
how to become a member of parliament?
A system of bells alerts members of the UK parliament that a vote will occur soon. 500 bells around Westminster let MPs in offices, stores, restaurants, and pubs that they need to get back within eight minutes to vote.
What does a member of parliament do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the salary of member of parliament. Here are 50 of the best facts about Member Parliament Pension and Member Parliament India I managed to collect.
what is a member of parliament?
An Italian pornstar, who was a member of Parliament, while continuing to make hardcore porn videos while in office. She often made speeches with one breast exposed, and offered to have sex with Saddam Hussein in exchange for peace in the region.
Sir Isaac Newton was a member of parliament in the UK, but his only contribution to the debates was to request the window to be closed because of a cold draught
In 1949, a member of the New Zealand parliament was deemed to have used "unparliamentary language" for saying of another member that "his brains could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides."
The Irish Hunger Strike in 1981, led to prisoner Bobby sands being elected Member of Parliament during the strike, it gained media interest from around the world. The strike ended after ten prisoners had starved themselves to death—including Sands, his funeral was attended by 100,000 people.
There is a fictitious member of the German parliament. He has his own official bio page, and even a bridge named after him. The hoax has been going since the 1970s
British Member of Parliament Robert Pakington was probably the first person to be murdered by a handgun - in 1536. The case remains the oldest recorded unsolved murder in the UK.
Only one British prime minister has ever been assassinated, and he was "opposed to hunting, gambling and adultery, did not drink as much as most Members of Parliament, gave generously to charity, and enjoyed spending time with his twelve children." he was shot by a disgruntled merchant.
Four Members of the UK Parliament created a rock band in 2004. 'MP4', billed as "The World's Only Parliamentary Rock Band", have been playing together ever since.
British Members of Parliament are not allowed to resign, instead they have to be appointed in the nominal position of 'Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds' which disqualifies them from holding office.
The last official sword duel took place in France on the 21st of April 1967 because a parliament member called the mayor of Marseille “a dumbass” during a parliament conference
Member Parliament data charts
For your convenience take a look at Member Parliament figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why become a member of parliament?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bobby Sands, a member of the Provisional IRA, was elected to British Parliament while in prison. He was never seated and died after 66 days of hunger-striking. - source
In 1955, a British Member of Parliament, took LSD and recorded his experiences on camera for a documentary to be aired on BBC. - source
He served in Parliament as a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party.
A Norwegian road was put underground at a cost of $64.8 million after a member of parliament complained that it would be too close to her house - source
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It illegal to resign from the British Parliament. It is also illegal to hold a for profit position for the Crown and also be a Member of Parliament. MPs resign by "Taking the Chiltern Hundreds." They are appointed to a meaningless Crown for profit post, which results in the MP's resignation.
How to address a member of parliament?
In 1628 Oliver Cromwell became a Member of Parliament. In 1630 he was called before Privy Council in 1630 after being caught up in a dispute in Huntingdon's gentry.
The liberum veto, used in the 17th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, allowed any individual member of the parliament to immediately nullify new legislation by yelling "I do not allow!". This is considered a major contributor to the deterioration and eventual partitioning of Poland.
Phoolan Devi spent 11 years in prison on charges of murder, arson, plundering and kidnapping, and was voted a member of parliament after her release from prison
Geoffrey Chaucer's passion for poetry grew as his career advanced. In 1385 he asked for a temporary leave. He lived in Kent for four years but still found little time to write as a Parliament member.
Member parliament infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Member Parliament numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Parts of India represented by women member of parliament since 1962