Labour Party facts
While investigating facts about Labour Party Membership and Labour Party Conference 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Sean Connery's knighthood was likely blocked by the British Labour Party for two years because of his support for an independent Scotland (he finally got it in 2000 and showed up in a kilt)
how to join the labour party?
In the 1960's, The Catholic Church in Malta declared that voting for the Labour Party was a mortal sin, and voters were refused absolution, last rites and burial in sacred grounds, and sometimes were refused by employers
What's labour party?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the labour party stand for. Here are 14 of the best facts about Labour Party Leaders and Labour Party Uk I managed to collect.
what labour party stands for?
In 1895 George Bernard Shaw became one of the founders of the London School of Economics and Political Science, due to his passion for humanitarian politics. He also helped form the Independent Labour Party in 1893.
The founder of the neo-Nazi Nationalist Party of Canada is a Croatian whose father was killed by the Nazis while fighting against German occupation of Yugoslavia and whose mother was a slave labourer in Nazi Germany.
The Australian Labor Party was heavily influenced by the American labor movement, hence why unlike UK Labour and NZL Labour, they spell their name without the 'U'
Winston Churchill lost the 1945 general election in a landslide. The 12.0% national swing from the Conservative Party to the Labour Party remains the largest ever achieved in a British general election.
H.G. Wells ran for Parliament in 1922 and 1923 as a Labour Party candidate but was unsuccessful. He had wanted to use a political position to advance his ideas.
The world's first socialist government was formed in the Australian state of Queensland in 1899 after the Australian Labour Party won the election.
The 1983 British Labour Party manifesto, calling for unilateral nuclear disarmament and withdrawal from the EEC (the precursor the EU), hurt the Labour party so badly at the polls it's called "The Longest Suicide Note in History."
Oliver Baldwin ran for parliament as a member of the Labour Party whilst his father was serving as the Conservative Prime Minister
Paedophile Information Exchange, a British activist group that advocated for Age of Consent be brought down to 4yrs or abolished. It contained high ranking members of the Labour Party and received grants of £70,000 from Home Office.Most members held high govt positions and some even knighted
The leader of the British Labour Party, the second biggest party, supports the abolition of the Monarchy.
Labour Party data charts
For your convenience take a look at Labour Party figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why labour party split?
You can easily fact check why was the labour party formed by examining the linked well-known sources.
UK's Labour Party is officially Democratic Socialist
The Conservative Party have borrowed far more than Labour over the last 70 years contrary to what corporate media have told us. - source