Votes Cast facts
While investigating facts about Votes Cast In 2019 Election and Votes Cast In 2016, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Each year ancient Greeks had the option to pick a politician to exile for 10 years. They’d cast their vote with pieces of pottery called ‘ostraka’ - it’s where we get the word ostracise from.
how many votes were cast in 2016?
Originally (up until 1804) electors could cast two votes for two different U.S. candidates for President, and the first runner-up presidential candidate became Vice President to guard against electoral gamesmanship.
What is the maximum number of votes which can be cast in evms?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to votes cast for candidates that dropped out. Here are 50 of the best facts about Votes Cast In 2019 General Election and Votes Cast Meaning I managed to collect.
what happens to votes not cast?
Estonian ID cards have a chip with public-private key pair used to sign documents and vote in elections via the internet. For their 2011 election, 24% of the votes were cast online.
In 1970, a state commission in Mississippi voted to ban Sesame Street because of its "highly integrated cast of children".
A Filipino Senator once spoke for 18 straight hours to stall for time while waiting for a member of his party to arrive to cast the deciding vote on the control of the Senate. After the outspoken Senator was done, the arriving senator voted against his own party.
Victoria Woodhull who was the first woman to run for president in the 1872 election by the newly formed National Woman's Suffrage Association. On the day before the election, she was arrested for "publishing an obscene newspaper" and was unable to cast a vote for herself.
The phrase "don't spill the beans" comes from the ancient Greek practice of placing beans in a jar to cast a vote. If someone spilled the jar, the election results would be known prematurely.
The 19th amendment was ratified due to one vote, cast by Harry Burn. He was originally against women's sufferage, until he received a letter from his mother.
In 1970, the state commission in Mississippi voted to not air Sesame Street because of its “highly [racially] integrated cast of children” which “the commission members felt ... Mississippi was not yet ready for”.
In 1962, a man named Vasili Arkhipov, a Soviet Naval Officer, cast a single vote that prevented a nuclear attack on the US Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis and is credited for preventing a thermonuclear World War 3.
In 1970, the state commission of Mississippi voted to ban Sesame Street because of its multicultural cast.
In May 1970, a state commission in Mississippi voted to ban Sesame Street because of its "highly integrated cast of children" which "the commission members felt ... Mississippi was not yet ready for."
Votes Cast data charts
For your convenience take a look at Votes Cast figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do electors cast votes in december?
You can easily fact check why did the number of votes cast in the u.s presidential by examining the linked well-known sources.
Haitian leader François Duvalier won a blatantly rigged presidential election in 1961 (with all votes cast for him), after which he declared: "I accept the people's will. As a revolutionary, I have no right to disregard the will of the people."
A Single Transferable Voting system provides approximately proportional representation, enables votes to be cast for individual candidates rather than for parties, and minimizes "wasted" votes because of popularity of a candidate. - source
When the right to vote for women was finally passed in the U.S. in 1920, (following the 19th Amendment) only one woman from the Seneca Falls Convention was still alive to cast her vote. Her name was Charlotte Woodward.
While aboard Russia's Mir Space Station, Astronaut David Wolf became the first American to vote from space, casting a ballot in a 1997 local election.
A unconscious British MP who had a heart attack hours before, was still able to cast a vote via "proxy" as his voting intention was clear and his Heart monitor still showed a weak rhythm. - source
When are the pfa votes cast?
In Classical Athens, the citizen peers would cast their vote by writing the name of the person they deemed a threat to democracy on a sherd of pottery called an ostracon thus giving rise to the term ostracism.
How many votes were cast in the 2016 presidential election?
Perhaps his greatest moment in the Continental Congress was when he cast the deciding vote to keep George Washington as the commander-in-chief of the military.
American Idol viewers cast more votes in the election of Taylor Hicks than the 1984 presidential election of Ronald Reagan
In 2007 there was a private 'millennium project' to select 7 new wonders of the world, from a list of 200. Over 100 million votes were cast, and the winners selected was: Chichen Itza, Christ the Redeemer, Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, Petra, Taj Mahal, and the Colosseum.
The Swiss canton of Geneva used quantum cryptography to securely cast electronic votes in the 2007 parliamentary elections.
Matthew Lyon was arrested under the Alien and Sedition Acts for criticizing President Adams. While in jail, he won election to Congress, and ended up casting the deciding vote in Thomas Jefferson's campaign against Adams in 1800.
Votes cast infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Votes Cast numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.