Eligible Vote facts
While investigating facts about Eligible Voters In Us and Eligible Voters In Canada, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Grandfather Clause. After the American Civil War, South States made literacy tests to prevent former black slaves from voting. When whites failed them too, an exception was given to anyone whose Grandfather was eligible to vote. All whites had eligible grandfathers and few blacks did.
how many eligible voters in us?
In Hong Kong because corporations and other legal entities are considered eligible voters with the right to vote, one man can have the voting power equivalent to over 15,000 people.
What eligible voters?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what percentage of eligible voters voted in 2016. Here are 28 of the best facts about Eligible Voters Uk and Eligible Voters 2016 I managed to collect.
who is not eligible to vote at a general election in india?
The term "grandfathered in" originated from Jim Crow laws which allowed men to be exempt from literacy tests and poll taxes if their grandfather was eligible to vote prior to 1866, effectively ensuring many illiterate white men could still vote, while black men couldn't.
Franklin D Roosevelt was the first presidential candidate who’s mother was legally eligible to vote for him
Voting in Australia is compulsory if eligible, and failure to vote can result in a fine.
Under the United States Constitution, voting eligibility is determined by the individual states.
Only 36% of eligible voters showed up to vote in the 2014 mid-terms. Many candidates were therefore put into office by <20% of the population. This also means that small, vocal minorities end up being represented... because they actually vote.
Only roughly half of all eligible people actually vote in America.
Despite voting being compulsory in Australia almost 20% of those eligible to vote in 2013 did not, with most not even registering. Among 18-24 year olds, 25% were not registered to vote.
Only 57.6 million people, or 28.5% of estimated eligible voters, voted in the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries this year.
The first president whose mother was eligible to vote for him, under the 19th amendment: FDR
In the Liberian presidential election of 1927 600,000 votes were cast. However, there were only 15,000 eligible voters.
Eligible Vote data charts
For your convenience take a look at Eligible Vote figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it an important responsibility to vote in elections when eligible?
You can easily fact check why must eligible citizens register to vote by examining the linked well-known sources.
Citizens of the Republic of Ireland are eligible to vote in UK General Elections
For the first time in Canadian history, citizens are required to register before voting in the federal election on October 19. The deadline for registration is October 13 and homeless people are not eligible. - source
US] That not all votes are the same. Currently districts are drawn based on population as opposed to eligible voters. That means the more ineligible voters in your district, the more your vote counts compared to one in another district. - source
A staggering 84.3 million first time voters would be eligible to cast their votes in India's 2019's General Elections. That is over a million more than the entire population of Germany.
1 in 3 eligible Black men in Florida cannot vote due to Sentencing Laws - source
When the nation was founded who was eligible to vote?
⅛th of the world's population was eligible to vote in the 2019 Indian general election.
How many eligible voters in canada?
Researchers have found that forcing young people to vote in the first elections in which they are eligible can "kick start the habit of a lifetime" - and thus address existing voting apathy among young people.
Puerto Rico participates in US elections at a rate of 82 percent among registered voters and 74.2 percent of voting eligible population - much higher than any of the 50 states.
Convicts in Canada are still eligible to vote.
If a minor political party receives 5 percent of the popular vote they are eligible for a public grant of $20 million in the next general election
In Australia for the Victorian State elections only, you are eligible to enrol and vote if you were a British subject enrolled between 26 October 1983 and 25 January 1984 inclusive.