Democratic Presidential facts
While investigating facts about Democratic Presidential Candidates 2020 and Democratic Presidential Debates, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The League of Women Voters used to run presidential debates that gave every nominee a equal amount of time to speak, Republicans and Democrats joined together to make the Commission for Presidential Debates, making it harder for third parties to be fairly represented
how democratic presidential candidate is chosen?
In the 2nd U.S. Presidential election, both major parties, the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, nominated George Washington as their candidate.
What democratic presidential candidates have dropped out?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what democratic presidential candidates are still running. Here are 50 of the best facts about Democratic Presidential Debates Tonight and Democratic Presidential Candidates 2020 Polls I managed to collect.
what democratic presidential candidates are left?
The organization that runs U.S . presidential debates is independent of the government and owned by the Republican and Democratic Parties. It has been criticized for negotiating secret contracts between candidates, excluding third parties, and "perpetrating a fraud on the American voter."
Presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was the first Democrat ever to be associated with the donkey symbol. His opponents during the election of 1828 tried to label him a "jackass" for his populist beliefs. Jackson was entertained by the notion and ended up using it on his campaign posters.
In 1983 Jesse Jackson announces his run for candidacy for the 1984 Democratic presidential nomination. He does not win the nomination.
The US Presidential debates used to be formed by the independent League of Women Voters, but in 1988 they stopped because both political parties wanted to make them "campaign-trail charades devoid of substance." From then on, the Democrat and Republican parties have run the Debate Commission.
Third party candidates must get approval by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which was created and controlled by both the Democratic and Republican party.
Jimmy Carter became famous for his slogan "I"ll never tell a lie" when running for Democratic presidential nomination in 1976. He won the nomination.
The Niagara Movement dissolved due to politics. Du Bois supported Democrat candidate William Jennings Bryant in the 1908 presidential election, but the rank and file of the organization, like most black Americans at the time, supported Republican William Taft, who won the election.
William J. Bryan, a Democratic candidate in the 1896 Presidential election, who ran against McKinley. McKinley was elected into office to keep Bryan from regulating monopolies and from regulating campaign contributions. Bryan was branded as a Socialist and lost the election.
The Democrat Party's motto for the presidential election of 1868 was “This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule”
During the 1876 presidential election, after an Oregon elector was deemed inadmissible because he held elected office, he was replaced by an elector who voted for Democrat candidate Samuel Tilden, although future president Rutherford B. Hayes won the majority of votes in the state.
Democratic Presidential data charts
For your convenience take a look at Democratic Presidential figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why so many democratic presidential candidates?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Franklin D. Roosevelt planned for Herbert Hoover to run for president as a Democrat in 1920 with him as the VP. This plan failed as Hoover publicly declared himself a Republican. Later, FDR ran against Hoover in the 1932 Presidential Election and won by a landslide, winning all but six states.
After pro-segregation George Wallace was shot and paralyzed while campaigning for the 1972 Democratic Presidential nomination, he was visited in the hospital by Shirley Chisholm, an African-American woman also running for the nomination, who felt it was the humane thing to do - source
The Democrats nominated McClellan to run against President Abraham Lincoln in the 1864 presidential election: McClellan lost to Lincoln in a landslide.
When Humphrey won the Democrat Party's presidential nomination in 1968, he represented the pro-Vietnam War wing of the party, which many experts believe split the vote, helping to elect Nixon.
During the 1864 U.S. Presidential Election, although a Democrat, Johnson ran as Lincoln's vice presidential candidate on the "Union Ticket."
When is the next democratic presidential debate?
The most lopsided popular vote result in a contested U.S. presidential election was in 1920, when the GOP ticket of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge got 60.3% of the vote compared to 34.3% for the Democratic ticket of James Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
How old are the democratic presidential candidates?
Democratic Candidates John C. Breckinridge (1860) and George B. McClellan (1864) used the terms "Idiot" "Yahoo" and "The Original Gorilla" to describe their opponent, Republican Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln.
The Yippies ran a pig in the 1968 presidential election and were arrested and the Democratic National Convention for doing so. At the trial, defense counsel William Kunstler accused the Democratic Party of doing exactly the same thing.
Only 57.6 million people, or 28.5% of estimated eligible voters, voted in the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries this year.
The daughter of the Democratic candidate who lost to Warren Harding in the 1920 Presidential election is still alive, and that she inherited a fortune worth $16 billion from her father
Mugwumps were Republicans who bolted from the Republican Party to support Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland instead of Republican candidate James G. Blaine in the presidential election of 1884.
Democratic presidential infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Democratic Presidential numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Differences Between Popular and Electoral Vote Percentages Among Democrats and Republicans in Presidential Elections from 1976 - 2016