Carbon Emissions facts
While investigating facts about Carbon Emissions By Country and Carbon Emissions By Country 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2012, British supermarket Sainsbury's discovered that reducing the size of a toilet paper tube from 123mm to 112mm would allow more rolls in each truck, taking 500 trucks off the road and reducing carbon emissions by 140 tonnes.
how carbon emissions changed since 2000?
Jon Huntsman instituted a 4 day work week in Utah: 2/3 of employees said it made them more productive, it reduced conflict at home and work, led to higher staff morale, lower absenteeism, and cut carbon emissions by 14%
What causes carbon emissions?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country has the most carbon emissions. Here are 50 of the best facts about Carbon Emissions Per Capita and Carbon Emissions By Country 2018 I managed to collect.
what's carbon emissions?
Since 1970, 90% of the Deforestation in the Amazon Rain forest is Attributed to Cattle Ranching. As a Result, We are Converting Earth's Greatest Carbon Sink into a Huge Source of Methane Emissions.
Bhutan is only carbon negative country in he world, the country emits around 1.5 million tonnes of carbon annually, while its forests absorb over 6 million tonnes. Bhutan is aiming for zero net greenhouse gas emissions, zero-waste by 2030 and to grow 100 percent organic food by 2020
Livestock and their byproducts actually account for at least 32.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions.
In 2009, the President and Cabinet of the Maldives held a meeting underwater - in SCUBA gear - to sign a declaration calling for global cuts in carbon emissions. The Maldives is expected to disappear under rising seawater this century.
160 container ships have the same carbon footprint as all the cars in the world combined, yet the emissions from container ships are not included in global carbon emissions testing as they are typically beyond national boundaries
In an effort to curb congestion and carbon emissions in Singapore, normal cars have huge taxes and duties; A Toyota Prius costs $154,000 USD, A BMW 6 series coupe costs $$330,000
Iron Fertilization could capture 10-25% of annual carbon emissions, along with creating clouds that could cool the environment even more.
Texas is #1 in toxic chemicals released into water, carcinogens released into air, carbon dioxide emissions, hazardous waste, #2 in overall birth rate, #50 in % with high school diploma, population insured, women receiving prenatal care in first trimester
Algae are often used to reduce emission of carbon dioxide in the power plants and to facilitate cleansing of the wastewater instead of harsh chemicals that were used for this purpose in the past.
Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.
Carbon Emissions data charts
For your convenience take a look at Carbon Emissions figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why carbon emissions are good?
You can easily fact check why carbon emissions trading by examining the linked well-known sources.
Biodiesel is capable of powering engines while producing 60% less carbon dioxide emissions.
Trees are important to the ecosystem as they absorb carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, and convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.
It's possible to 'scrub' carbon dioxide out of the air. The captured CO2 can then be used to create low-carbon fuels or stored to eliminate the emissions from the atmosphere - source
Cement production is responsible for around 10% of the world's carbon dioxide emission
Carbon footprint from beef leads the agriculture sector, which, at 14.5% of all global greenhouse emissions, is more than what cars, trains, boats and planes emit combined. - source
When did carbon emissions start?
A nuclear reactor costing 6 billion dollars that would have prevented 3 million tons a year of carbon emissions was rejected by the citizens of long island, never opened, and was decommissioned in 1992
How carbon emissions affect the environment?
This application reduces harmful emissions from cars by converting carbon monoxide and other gases into less poisonous gases.
People are less likely to buy energy efficient bulbs when they're labeled as being good for the environment, largely because the issue of carbon emission reductions is so polarizing in the United States.
The carbon emissions from heating water for washing hands in the U.S. is equivalent to the total carbon emissions of Barbados, even though washing with hot water doesn't kill more germs than washing with cold water
In the not too distant future, commercial ships could be powered by an energy-harvesting device known as WITT device which is capable of capturing wave motion in any direction and turning it into power and this could reduce the ships dependency on Fossil Fuels also reduce the carbon emission
A special camera has been invented to show what Carbon dioxide emissions look like
Carbon emissions infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Carbon Emissions numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

China's Carbon Dioxide Emissions Exceeds US and EU Combined