Energy Consumption facts
While investigating facts about Energy Consumption Calculator and Energy Consumption By Country, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2010, the US Department of Defense connected 1,760 Playstation 3 consoles to create the Condor Cluster supercomputer. It cost $2 million to build, and only uses about 10% the energy consumption of a comparable supercomputer.
how energy consumption effects environment?
Although nuclear power accounts for nearly 20% of the United States' energy consumption, only 5 deaths since 1962 can be attributed to it.
What is specific energy consumption?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is per capita energy consumption. Here are 37 of the best facts about Energy Consumption Per Capita and Energy Consumption In India I managed to collect.
what kind of energy is provided on consumption of a balanced diet?
MIT found that the United States has enough geothermal resources to supply for at least 2,000 times its annual consumption of primary energy
Day light saving has no effect on the state's energy consumption. And a study in Indiana showed that DST actually increased energy demand, presumably because of an increased need for air conditioning.
Fan Death, a popular superstition in South Korea believing that sleeping in a closed room with an electric fan can cause death. Despite no evidence of death, it is believed the South Korean government created this myth to lessen energy consumption during the 1970 energy crisis
The less people know about important complex issues such as the economy, energy consumption and the environment, the more they want to avoid becoming well-informed, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.
Supplying all domestic water by sea water desalination would increase the United States' energy consumption by around 10%, about the amount of energy used by domestic refrigerators.
Although the brain represent only 3% of our body weight, it consumes up to 20% of the body's energy (calories). These 20% consumption is only for the regular activity and to keep things in order not for studying or thinking too hard.
A 2012 study by Tampere University of Technology found that, with energy efficiency improvements, a single household could decrease its energy consumption by more than 40%
Cornell Tech has built the world's tallest 'passive house' in NYC on Roosevelt Island. It is designed to reduce energy consumption up to 60% and handles thermal regulation with color changing paint, building 'gills', and an insulating facade.
The maximum recommended consumption for Monster Energy Drink is 16oz in Australia but 48oz in the USA.
There is an alternative to traditional air conditioning where companies use ice batteries to cool their buildings. The system works but freezing the ice at night when the temperature is lowest and using the ice during the day to reduce energy consumption.
Energy Consumption data charts
For your convenience take a look at Energy Consumption figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why energy consumption is increasing?
You can easily fact check why energy consumption is high by examining the linked well-known sources.
Total world consumption of energy in all of its forms could be covered by a small patch of solar panels measuring 500 x 500 KM if placed in the Sahara dessert.
Jerusalem artichoke contains inulin, type of carbohydrate that human body cannot utilize as energy. Consumption of this plant creates feeling of satiety without increasing blood sugar level (body does not absorb this type of sugar).
Dr. Achim Peters came up with the "Selfish Brain" theory. His extensive research led him to discover that the brain of an obese person does not request energy from the body and instead seeks energy from food consumption. - source
Recycling reduces energy consumption and keeps objects from being wasted.
Cremating a human body requires about the same amount of energy as the domestic energy consumption for a single person over an entire month. - source
Energy consumption when?
Taylor Wilson, who at 14 achieved nuclear fusion independently. He is currently a lead proponent for miniaturized reactors, which would revolutionize human energy consumption and dramatically curve pollution.
How energy consumption is measured?
The average energy consumption per annum per capita in the US is 3 times higher than in China
In 2015 Sweden had achieved 52.6% of total energy consumption from renewable sources, smashing their 2020 goal of 49%! They now aim for 100% renewable electricity production by 2040.
Energy consumption by households per capita is 50 times larger in the US compared to India.
One study showed that when shown their relative energy usage, Democratic households reduced their consumption while Republican household increased their consumption
The LHC is off during winter because it consumes so much energy (40k$ per DAY) that the electric grid of Switzerland and France cannot power it during the peaks of consumption.
Energy consumption infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Energy Consumption numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Energy production and consumption in the United States in 2018