Fossil Fuels facts
While investigating facts about Fossil Fuels Definition and Fossil Fuels Examples, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Germany aims to abandon fossil fuels by 2050 and generate 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources.
how fossil fuels are formed?
Should modern civilization collapse, there would not be enough easily accessible fossil fuels for any future society to achieve an industrial revolution.
What fossil fuels do to the environment?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what fossil fuels do we use. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fossil Fuels Meaning and Fossil Fuels Advantages And Disadvantages I managed to collect.
what fossil fuels are used for?
2018 is the fourth year in a row Costa Rica generated more than 98% of its electricity from renewable sources. Almost no fossil fuels were used.
A study found that the costs of switching to clean energy from fossil fuels would be more than offset by the savings in reduced premature deaths from reduced air pollution
The single largest institutional user of fossil fuels is the US Military.
David Buckel, who self-immolated to protest the burning of fossil fuels. He left a note to police apologizing for the mess and built a fire ring so the fire would not spread.
Generating electricity with nuclear power instead of fossil fuels is credited with saving the lives of 1.8 million people. It is estimated to save 7 million more in the coming decades.
Fungi have been observed to do almost everything in managing an environment, from digesting minerals out of rock formations to consuming fossil fuel spills to de-radiating an environment(like around Chernobyl) (btw 30:57- 47:45)
The Province of Ontario in Canada is powered 100% by alternative energy and Nuclear(Fossil Fuels are not used and Ontario is the most populated Province in Canada)
Even without fossil fuels, we will exceed our 565 gigatonnes CO2e limit by 2030, all from raising animals.
Petroleum (fossil fuel) comes from plankton and algae, not dinosaurs
The top 20 most productive power stations in the world, there are only 3 fossil fuel plants and most (including the top 5) are hydro.
Fossil Fuels data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fossil Fuels figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why fossil fuels are good?
You can easily fact check why fossil fuels are non renewable by examining the linked well-known sources.
Methane Hydrate, a new and completely untapped reservoir of fossil fuel exists in huge amounts in the deep sea. Is estimated that there could be more potential fossil fuel contained in the methane hydrates than in all classic coal, oil and natural gas reserves combined.
The number of people that die from the burning of fossil fuels and coal each YEAR is greater than the number of people that have EVER died as a result of nuclear power. - source
Oil extracted from soybean can be used as biodiesel (eco-friendly type of fuel that does not pollute atmosphere as much as fossil fuels).
Chemical energy is used to make electricity when fossil fuels are burned.
Oil, also called petroleum, is pumped from underground and can be turned into products such as gasoline and electricity.
When fossil fuels are burned they release?
The energy stored in fossil fuels comes from the sun.
How fossil fuels are made?
When plants die and decompose, they could eventually become a fossil fuel and be burned to return as carbon dioxide in the air.
He has repeatedly warned of the dangers of climate change caused by our reliance on fossil fuels.
Because carbon from fossil fuels has no carbon-14 (it has all decayed), the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-14 in the atmosphere is changing, making radiocarbon dating increasingly inaccurate for recent artifacts
Due to fossil fuel rationing during WWII, many vehicles in European and Asian countries were converted to run on firewood.
The increased usage of fossil fuels is one reason why the greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere.
Fossil fuels infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Fossil Fuels numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story. animates Maps to show Fossil fuel production by country