Gdp Nominal facts
While investigating facts about Gdp Nominal Vs Ppp and Gdp Nominal Per Capita, I found out little known, but curios details like:
India's GDP (both nominal and PPP) is twice that of Russia's GDP. India's GDP (PPP) is $9.5 trillion while that of Russia is $3.7 trillion.
how to calculate nominal gdp?
With a GDP per capita (nominal) of US$37,477 spread over 579 million people, North America is the richest continent in the World. Second place is Oceania with US$35,087.
What is real gdp and nominal gdp?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is nominal gdp growth. Here are 6 of the best facts about Gdp Nominal By Country and Gdp Nominal Meaning I managed to collect.
what is the difference between nominal gdp and real gdp?
The Vatican has a nominal GDP per capita of $365,796 – making it the richest state on the planet by this measure.
The market cap of just 7 San Francisco bay area tech companies is close to 2 trillion $ - Apple, Google, Facebook, IBM, Oracle, Intel, Cisco. Add another bay area company - Chevron, and it tops 2 tril $ - combined, they would be one of a top 10 nation by GDP(nominal).
The US states of Montana, Arkansas, West Virginia and Mississippi are poorer than GREECE (when measured by GDP (nominal) per capita)
Since Vladimir Putin has been in power in Russia, the country's real incomes rose by 2.5, its real wages more tripled, unemployment and povery halved, its citizens' self-assessed life satisfaction skyrocketed, its gross domestic product increased by 72%, and its nominal GDP, by 600%.
Gdp Nominal data charts
For your convenience take a look at Gdp Nominal figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.