Oecd Countries facts
While investigating facts about Oecd Countries List and Oecd Countries Ranking, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mexicans have the highest average annual hours worked in the world, yet is the least productive country out of of those listed by OECD
how many oecd countries?
Canada is the most educated country in the world with 56.71% of adults meeting the OECD criteria (adult residents between ages 25 and 64 that have received a tertiary education: two-year or four-year degree or have received an education through a vocational program).
What oecd countries stands for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does oecd countries mean. Here are 12 of the best facts about Oecd Countries Meaning and Oecd Countries Ranking 2018 I managed to collect.
what's oecd countries?
Mexicans actuallly do work the most, the average annual hours worked per worker has been highest in Mexico than any other country the past two years according to the OECD
Over 80% of registered voters in the US vote, among the highest in the world. When compared to the voting-age population, however, only Japan, Chile, and Switzerland have lower turnout among OECD countries.
The U.S. delivers roughly three times as many mammograms, two-and-a-half times as many MRI scans, and a third more C-sections per capita than the average OECD country.
South Africa is the country with the highest unemployment rate. (source OECD)
South Korea is one of the richest OECD countries expected to suffer the most premature deaths due to air pollution
Mexico is the hardest working country of all the OECD countries averaging almost 2300 worked hours per worker in a year
Portugal, a member of NATO and OECD, declares itself as a Socialist country
The population of OECD countries is 1.29b in 2017, which is lower than China and India.
Israel and Turkey pip Mexico, Spain and the US (but not by much) in child poverty rates in selected OECD countries.
The Us has the 5th highest education spending per capita of any country in the OECD in k-12 education
Oecd Countries data charts
For your convenience take a look at Oecd Countries figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Oecd countries infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Oecd Countries numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.