Consumption Capita facts
While investigating facts about Consumption Capital and Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Vatican City has the highest per capita wine consumption of any country in the world.
how to calculate per capita consumption?
There is a 99.26% correlation (r=0.992558) between divorce rates in Maine and the per capita consumption of margarine.
What is capital consumption?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is per capita consumption. Here are 26 of the best facts about Consumption Capital Theory and Ethical Consumption Capitalism I managed to collect.
what is consumption of fixed capital?
Guam has the highest per-capita consumption of both Spam and Tabasco Sauce, inciting Spam and Tabasco to unite and create 'Hot and Spicy Spam'.
In 1830, the annual per capita consumption of alcohol by Americans had climbed to more than five gallons. At the time Americans believed liquor was nutritious and stimulated digestion. It was also consumed to help wash down poorly cooked, greasy, salty, and sometimes rancid food.
North Dakota ranks #1 in the U.S. in beer consumption per capita with an average adult drinking 45.8 gallons of beer per year.
China produces almost 80% of the world's garlic and, along with Italy and Korea, has one of the world's highest per capita garlic consumption rates, 8 to 12 cloves per day.
Vatican City has the highest per capita wine consumption in the world. It averages nearly 100 bottles of wine per person per year.
The highest per capita mushroom consumption in the world is the Netherlands. The Dutch eat more than 2.5x more than second place Poland on average per year.
Despite Guyana only ranking 60th in alcohol consumption per capita, over 76% of it is hard spirits.
The average energy consumption per annum per capita in the US is 3 times higher than in China
Energy consumption by households per capita is 50 times larger in the US compared to India.
New York City is considered one of the most efficient cities in the United States, with a gas consumption rate per capita equivalent to the national average during the 1920s.
Consumption Capita data charts
For your convenience take a look at Consumption Capita figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why has per capita land consumption increased?
You can easily fact check why is the per capita consumption of steel low in india by examining the linked well-known sources.
After cigarette advertisements were banned in the US in 1971, per capita cigaretette consumption actually increased
Belarus has the highest per capita consumption of potatos (181 kg.), followed by Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Russia (~140 kg.) - source
There is a "close, significant" correlation between national per capita chocolate consumption and national per capita Nobel Laureates - source
In 1790, United States government figures showed that annual per-capita alcohol consumption for everybody over fifteen amounted to thirty-four gallons of beer and cider, five gallons of distilled spirits, and one gallon of wine.
America is in 69th place (per capita) for tea consumption. More in comments. - source
When is a marriage consummated?
Despite the high birth rate, due to low per capita CO2 consumption a couple in Sub-Saharan Africa would need to have 17 children before the 19 of them collectively made as much of an impact on emissions as a single American living alone
How to calculate consumption of fixed capital?
51 percent of bananas are eaten for breakfast at home. The highest average per capita consumption of bananas in the world is in Uganda, where residents eat an average of 500 pounds of bananas per person every year
The Dutch used to be one of the shortest people in Europe. With increased calorie consumption (from increased per capita wealth) and health care, their height increased.
The most consumption of alcohol per capita is basicly European countries in the top 30 (and South Korea and Australia)
In 1830, American consumption of alcohol, per capita, peaked at what is roughly 1.7 bottles (7.1 gallons/26.9 liters of pure alcohol) of standard strength whiskey, per person, per year.
In 1830, American consumption of alcohol, per capita, peaked at what is roughly 1.7 bottles of standard strength whiskey, per person, per week.
Consumption capita infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Consumption Capita numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.