Nordic Countries facts
While investigating facts about Nordic Countries Map and Nordic Countries Socialism, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Nordic countries there is a unique "free-to-roam" right which allows you to trespass, camp, fish and pick berries on public and private lands.
how did glacial movement affect the nordic countries?
Donald duck is so popular in nordic countries that they had to change the voting laws to prevent voting for nonexistent candidates.
What nordic countries are in the eu?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what nordic countries are part of the eu. Here are 23 of the best facts about Nordic Countries List and Nordic Countries Population I managed to collect.
what nordic countries are socialist?
There is a "corruption index" that measures the most and least corrupt countries; four of the top ten "least corrupt"---Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway---are Nordic countries
The country "Turkey" is called totally different names in some other languages. In Nordic countries its name translates to "Chicken," most African countries know it as "Ostrich" and East Asian countries know it as "Pheasant"
The square command key symbol on Apple computers came from Steve Jobs thinking the Apple logo was overused when shown as an option in menus. The replacement symbol is taken from Nordic countries' symbol denoting places of interest.
Today's rich families in Florence, Italy, were rich 700 years ago. Economic mobility varies significantly between countries, with a relatively low 0.2 percent elasticity of income in the Nordic countries and a relatively high 0.5 percent in places like the UK, the US, and Italy.
All 8 Nordic countries (except Greenland) adopted similar Nordic Cross flag designs that can also serve as a banner (gonfalon).
The languages most commonly used in Iceland are Icelandic and English, but German and Nordic are also commonly spoken. Icelandic is similar to the language spoken by Norwegian's more than 1000 years ago.
After West Germany was formed, conservative parties in the country suggested that its flag be a Nordic Cross design, like Sweden or Finland's flags, in the German black red and gold.
By the strictest definition, Scandinavia is composed solely of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Finland and Iceland are, however, part of the Nordic countries.
In Australia, it's common for automobile companies to have crash-test Kangaroos for testing cars, and In Nordic countries they use Moose crash-test dummies.
Nordic countries are not socialist. They practice "Welfare Capitalism"
Nordic Countries data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nordic Countries figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why nordic countries are so rich?
You can easily fact check why nordic countries aren't socialist by examining the linked well-known sources.
Salmiakki - a salty licorice candy beloved in Nordic countries, but often found to be overpowering and sometimes painful to eat by first time tasters.
that there is a snack food called Filipinos sold in Spain, Portugal and Nordic countries and that the name has been protested by members of the Philippine government to no avail. Mini Filipinos are also available! - source
Shanghai has the same population as the Nordic countries (25 millions) - source
The Nordic countries are five of the six largest consumers of coffee per capita
In ancient Scandinavia, horses were seen as working creatures, a sign of status, and symbolically in Norse religion. They were slaughtered as sacrifice and eaten by people at the feasts. When Nordic countries were Christianized, eating horse was seen as a sign of paganism and prohibited. - source
When did nordic countries become socialist?
Scandinavia only contain Sweden, Norway and Denmark, whereas Sweden, Norway, and Finland is called Fennoscandia. Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark are correctly called the Nordic countries.
How many nordic countries are there?
Finland ranks third in global gun ownership behind only America and Yemen; has the highest murder rate in western Europe; and by far the highest suicide rate in the Nordic countries.
Taxes in Nordic countries are so simple, people file them by text message
There are talks of establishing a "Nordic Federation" of sorts that would unify all Nordic countries into a shared economy. The idea came about after the establishment of the Nordic Council (A Nordic Nation Cooperation Organization)
Instead of institue a minimum wage, the democratic socialist Nordic countries rather determine wages by collective bargaining.
Daily antidepressant use in Europe is highest in Nordic countries, despite (or because of?) Scandinavian stability.