Incredible and fun facts to explore

Weird but interesting facts of life

Some are funny facts and some will make you say WTF. But being inconvenient and not useless, all those facts will enrich your knowledge base and help you pass through.

Dr. Gay Hitler. Son of George Washington Hitler, he served as a dentist in Circleville, Ohio. Many roads in Circleville contain "Hitler" to this day.

Tarrare, a man living in the 1700s, had an endless appetite due to unknown causes. In one case, he ate 15 meals in a single sitting, and his endless hunger led him, while in a hospital, to eat piles of garbage, as well as trying to drink other patients blood and eat corpses from the morgue.

The traffic on the Arc de Triomphe roundabout in Paris is so chaotic, insurance companies will always split the liability of an accident 50/50.

Female kangaroos can determine the sex of their offspring. They can even delay gestation when environmental factors are likely to diminish the chance of young surviving.

In 1916 an amendment to the Constitution was proposed that all acts of war would be put to a national vote. People voting yes would have to register as volunteers for service in the United States Army.

The Georgia House introduced a bill in 2003 making it a "misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature" for a restaurant to sell Iced Tea without also selling Sweet Tea

Disney used to film real actors and draw over the video footage to animate movies like Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty

Victoria's Secret founder sold it for $4m. (It's now worth over $5bn.) He then tried to start a children's retail store, and went bankrupt. He jumped to his death from the Golden Gate Bridge at age 46.

Due to having no tools, an Inuit man once shat in his hand, shaped it into a knife as it froze, then used it to kill and skin a dog and make a sled out of its bones. He then strapped another dog to the sled so he could travel through a blizzard.

The Tetris theme is actually a Russian folk song called "Korobeiniki."

The most dangerous tree is the manchineel found in Florida and the Caribbean..the sap is so poisonous and acidic that the merest contact with human skin causes a breakout of blisters, and blindness can occur if it touches a personĀ“s eyes.

The Silent Generation (people born 1925-1945) did not produce any United States Presidents

In Los Angeles you can serve a jail sentence in a much nicer "pay-to-serve" jails for $100. These allow day release for employment, food delivery, and better visiting conditions. Those that can't pay as much clean the jail.

There is a widespread conspiracy theory that Eminem died in 2006 and was replaced by a lookalike

Yellow speed limit signs in the U.S. are recommended speeds but are not enforced.