Grand Canyon facts
While investigating facts about Grand Canyon University and Grand Canyon Skywalk, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The most rural post office in the US; the Supai Post Office is at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and is serviced by a mule train that takes 2.5 hours to reach it. It services the Havasupai reservation and demonstrates the obligation of the US Postal System to service every community.
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Near the bottom of the Grand Canyon, you can place your hand across a geological division where the difference in age between the rock touching your upward fingers and the rock touching the base of your hand is more than 1 billion years.
Where is the skywalk at grand canyon?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the tuition at grand canyon university. Here are 50 of the best facts about Grand Canyon Weather and Grand Canyon Tours I managed to collect.
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Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
A father pretending to fall in the Grand Canyon to scare his daughter actually then fell 400 feet.
There's a Post Office at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It serves the Havasupai Reservation and the town of Supai, and post arrives via mule on a 2 1/2 hour journey each day.
There is a near-abandoned Flintstones-themed camp ground and amusement park in Arizona, about 30 minutes from the Grand Canyon, complete with year-round camping and a "Bedrock Theater" that plays Flintstones cartoons
The volcanic system beneath Yellowstone holds enough lava to fill 11 Grand Canyons.
The Hualapai Tribe in Arizona agreed to allow the builder of the Grand Canyon Skywalk to operate it for 25 years to recoup his $30 million investment. In 2012, just 5 years after it opened, the tribe seized control of the Skywalk. They lost in court and now must pay the builder $28.5 million.
After John Muir recovered from temporary blindness,caused by a factory accident that shot a piece of metal into his eye, he dedicated his life to the environment and help established Yosemite, Sequoia, Mount Rainer, and the Grand Canyon as National Parks.
In 1992, a man fell to his death at the Grand Canyon while failing to pretend to fall off the railing
The Havasupai people, a Native American tribe who have lived in the Grand Canyon for over 800 years.
The United States Postal service delivers mail daily via mules, to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
Grand Canyon data charts
For your convenience take a look at Grand Canyon figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why grand canyon university?
You can easily fact check why grand canyon is important by examining the linked well-known sources.
There are squirrels in the Grand Canyon that carry the bubonic plague
The U.S Postal Service still delivers mail by muel for a small group of people living in the Grand Canyon. - source
Adirondack Park in NY is the largest park in the contiguous 48 states. About the size of Vermont, it covers more area than Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Glacier, and Great Smoky Mountains combined. - source
The Arizona Gazette ran a front page article in 1909 on two "Smithsonian-funded archaeologists" who discovered a massive underground cave city beneath the Grand Canyon. The city allegedly contained Egyptian hieroglyphics, mummies, and a Buddha-like statue. The Smithsonian refutes the claims.
The Grand Canyon is visited by almost 5 million people every year.
When grand canyon open?
President Theodore Roosevelt visited the canyon in the early 1900's. He pledged to preserve this special place for future generations. In 1908 the Grand Canyon became a National Monument and then in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson turned the Grand Canyon into a National Park.
How grand canyon was made?
Canyons in Kings River are deeper than the Grand Canyon reaching 8000 feet in some places.
The Grand Canyon is one of the seven Natural Wonders of the World.
There is a giant trench under the Antarctic ice deeper than the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long located in the state of Arizona.
Later, in 1911, he then took a position in New Mexico's Carson National Forest. While in New Mexico, he developed the country's first all-encompassing management plan for the protection of the Grand Canyon.